Strike a pose
Our Apprentice is invited to spend the day
with professional portrait photographer Mark
O’Leary for a moody steampunk-themed shoot
ark O’Leary’s enthusiasm for photography is infectious. He’s been
shooting weddings and portraits for over three decades, and
opened his Hampshire-based studio in 2017. The building was
formerly a post office, and every inch of the modest space is
used efficiently. Large backdrops are mounted on a wall,
equipment and props are neatly stored away on shelves,
and a tiny makeup station flanks the clutter-free studio space.
“It helps me pay for my passion, I’m a plumber by trade!” said Mark as he
showed Nathan around the studio. The Apprentice was greeted by model
Hannorah (@hannorahmodel) and makeup artist Amelia (@ameliajmua),
who was busy adding the finishing touches to her subject’s hair. Mark began
by talking Nathan through the lighting. “We’ll start with a clamshell setup.
I have a key light that illuminates the subject from above and a softbox