
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Shed some light

I refer to your ‘Light on the
Landscape’ article (N-Photo
108), and the image of the
promontory and seascape
you opened the feature with.
You didn’t name where it is!
I am sure that a lot of
people seeing this will
wonder where it is, as it is so
very beautiful. I think it is
Worm’s Head, on the Gower
coast of Wales.
I understand that your brief
in such articles is to impart
photographic knowledge and
inspiration to the reader, but
noticed that every other
image has a place of origin,
so please will you let us know
where this wonderful place is!
When people are inspired
by an image of a destination,
then it follows that a certain
number will follow this up
with a rewarding visit there.
Having been there myself
once back in the 1970s, it has
given me a conscious nudge
to revisit that part of the
coast, which gave me such a
wonderful walk and views
that make you feel alive!
Geoff Cholerton

We’re glad you found the
feature so inspiring, Geoff.
The shot is actually of Neist
Point, in the Isle of Skye,
Scotland. We’d love to see
your own images if you do
make the trip!

RTFM, idiot!

As an avid reader of N-Photo,
I read every article for
nuggets of info that I can put
into practice. I was specially
inspired by The Apprentice in
N-Photo 108, not just for its

content on how to
shoot family
portraits, but a bit in
the Technique
Assessment panel
on back-button
I’ve had my D800
since they came
out and have never really
used the AF-ON button. But
the article made me think...
One: how can this work as a
viable alternative to a shutter
release half-press? Surely, as
soon as I press the shutter
release on the camera
it would re-focus?
Two: how can I turn
focusing off when pressing
the shutter release? The old
adage states RTFM (read the
flippin’ manual), idiot! I had
the Nikon Manual Viewer, so
I looked in there. It turns out
that you need to navigate to
Custom Settings a4: AF
Activation and select AF-On.
I thought this might help
other readers make sense of
and use this great technique.
Just another little tip which
might help others.
Anthony Dodd

Enabling back-button
focusing is really more about
disabling the shutter release
half-press to autofocus, as
both are on by default. We
do explain how to do this
periodically, but don’t always
have the space. But once
you get used to back-button
focusing, you’ll never go back!

Get a grip

I read about the new Nikon
D780 in N-Photo with interest
and have just received my
new D780 a couple of days

ago, via a trade-in offer by
Nikon for my D750.
However, I noted that there
is no battery grip available to
attach to the bottom of the
D780. The other cameras in
this class (D610, D850 and
D750) have battery grips, so
why not the D780? I looked at
the bottom of the D780 and
did not see any contact
points for making a battery
pack connection. The readers
of N-Photo need to know this
before making a decision.
Ralph Cowden

We contacted Nikon, who
could only offer the stock
response: “we can’t comment
on future releases.” But that
doesn’t mean one might not
appear at a later date: it took
a full year for a Z 6 and Z 7
battery grip to appear from
the cameras’ release dates.

Join the debate
Tune in to our lively forums and
share your views with the photo
community about N-Photo,
photography and anything else
that springs to mind! We have a
dedicated Nikon channel,
among other topics

Social Club

Your best photographs
from our social media
channels – be sure to
get involved!

  1. Spring
    Jacky has got us well and truly
    pining for those fresh spring days
    with this beautifully simple image.
    The luscious contrasting colours
    look delightful together and the
    important parts of the flowers
    are pin-sharp.

  2. Vita Nova
    Mark captured the lonesome-
    looking shipwreck of the Vita Nova
    on Roa island using his Z 7. The
    minimalist composition, vignette
    and usage of monochrome help
    guide the viewer’s gaze to the
    details of the ship.

  3. Lost
    Max shows that you don’t need
    a lot of things going on to make a
    photograph that is packed full of
    intrigue, all while still being a great-
    looking shot. It looks like it could
    be used as a movie poster for an
    upcoming thriller blockbuster!

The glorious Neist Point,
in the Isle of Skye.

Nikon Manual Viewer proving
itself in a practical situation.

The D750 has a battery grip
available. Where’s the D780’s?


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