Warriors of Anatolia. A Concise History of the Hittites - Trevor Bryce

(Marcin) #1


No Sex Please,

We’re Hittite


his title should not of course be taken too literally.
If it were strictly true, the Hittite kingdom would never
have got going, let alone lasted 500 years. But a number of
sexual practices were strictly forbidden in the Hittite world, and
others permitted only with clear conditions attached. Violations
met with severe punishment.


Incest was regarded with particular abhorrence, at least by Hatti’s
royal authorities. King Suppiluliuma I makes this perfectly clear in
his treaty with one of his vassal rulers. Provoked by reports of
hanky-panky between closely related family members in the vassal
state, he bans the practice and issues a grim warning:

For Hatti it is an important custom that a brother does not
have sex with his sister or female cousin. It is not permitted.
Whoever commits such an act is put to death. But your land
is barbaric, for there a man regularly has sex with his sister
or cousin. And if on occasion a sister of your wife, or the wife
of a brother, or a female cousin comes to you, give her
something to eat or drink. Both of you eat, drink, and make
merry! But you must not desire to have sex with her. It is not
permitted, and people are put to death as a result of that act.^1
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