Warriors of Anatolia. A Concise History of the Hittites - Trevor Bryce

(Marcin) #1

battle experience by sending him on campaigns in the Kaska region.
He may even have made Tudhaliya his co-regent for a time, as he
became increasingly debilitated by the illnesses which may have
affected him for much of his life.
But Tudhaliya’s crown never rested easily on his head.
Throughout his reign, he was beset with grave fears for his safety,
not only from members of his extended family, but also from those
of his immediate family. One of his own brothers hatched a plot to
assassinate him while he was on one of his regional tours. The plot
was discovered in time and the brother and his co-conspirators
arrested. But the whole nasty affair left Tudhaliya feeling more
vulnerable than ever. This is evident from a set of instructions he
issued to his high officials and the dignitaries of the land,
demanding their unconditional loyalty. He made clear in these
instructions that the greatest threats to his safety were likely to
come from members of his own family:

My Sun has many brothers and there are many sons of his
father. The Land of Hatti is full of the royal line: in Hatti the
descendants of Suppiluliuma, the descendants of Mursili, the
descendants of Muwattalli, the descendants of Hattusili are
numerous. With regard to kingship, you must acknowledge
no other person (but me, Tudhaliya), and protect only the
grandson and great grandson and descendants of Tudhaliya.
And if at any time (?) evil is done to My Sun–(for) My Sun
has many brothers – and someone approaches another
person and speaks thus:‘Whomever we select for ourselves
need not even be a son of our lord!’–these words must not
be (permitted)! With regard to kingship, you must protect
only My Sun and the descendants of My Sun. You must
approach no other person.^1


Initially at least, there was one close family member Tudhaliya felt
he could trust. Ironically this was Kurunta, son of King Muwattalli
and brother or half-brother of Muwattalli’s successor Urhi-Teshub,


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