70 may–jun 2020 http://www.climber.co.uk
Whilst hangboarding is simply ‘hanging’
off edges there is a little more to it – in
that we can vary the angle at our elbows
or even do pull-ups on the edges. It is
better to start with static exercises
where you vary elbow angle and move
into pull-ups as a variation if you start
to stagnant. Or if you feel your finger
strength is fine but pulling strength
needs work then work on either
pull-ups or variety of elbow angles.
What fits in here is also the form
we have on a dead hang. It really isn’t
that ‘dead’ in that our elbows need
to be slightly bent as a minimum and
our shoulders need to be engaged by
pulling them down and back during
the hang. It is better to maintain good
form by using a bigger edge as the
session progresses if necessary.
the climber’s coach
Arm variation
- 90 degrees
Bad form – straight arms
and unengaged shoulders
Good form – Bent arms
Arm variation – Full lock and engaged shoulders