ales of CBD have
roughly doubled in
the past two years,
making it one of
the fastest growing
wellbeing product
categories in
the UK. In fact, around one-in-10
adults in the UK has now tried it
in some form. And at the current
rate of growth, the market will
be worth almost £1bn per year by
2025, according to the Centre for
Medicinal Cannabis. So why the
recent explosion of interest? Well,
anecdotal evidence and a slow-
growing body of research suggest
this powerful compound can have
a wealth of medicinal benefits –
from banishing anxiety and sleep
problems to relieving chronic pain.
However, CBD is classified as a food
supplement, which means CBD companies are
banned from making any medical claims about
their products. This – coupled with unfamiliar
chemical names, varying strengths and a variety
of ways to consume or use it – can make the CBD
shelves one of the most confusing to negotiate.
CBD – or cannabidiol, to use its full name – is
one of at least 113 natural compounds called
cannabinoids derived from the cannabis plant.
It’s this link to cannabis, of course, that’s been
partly responsible for many of the headlines and
misconceptions about CBD. Just to set the record
straight, CBD has no psychoactive properties. It’s
another cannabinoid – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
- that’s responsible for the ‘high’ we associate
with cannabis. And unsurprisingly, THC is highly
regulated in the UK to ensure there is no more
than 1mg in any product.
So why is CBD so useful? The answer lies in
the fact that these plant-based cannabinoids
are similar in structure to the body’s
own endocannabinoid system, which
‘I started taking daily
doses of Dr CBD Rx
Cloud Spray in a bid
to manage multiple
issues including
psoriasis, menstrual
cramps, anxiety,
depression and
insomnia. After two
weeks, I felt calmer
and more relaxed.
The most noticeable
change was in the
bedroom. I’m more
in the mood
for sex now!’
Grace Cole, 22