WHY IT WORKS: Mobilises and
lubricates your spine and hips.
REPS:Do this up to 5 times
● Stand with your weight balanced evenly on
both feet, hip-width apart and arms extended by
your sides. Breathe in as you lengthen the back
of your neck and nod your head forward.
● Engage your core and breathe out as you roll
your spine forward and down through the centre
line, sensing one vertebra release at a time, then
bend forward from your hips (pictured above).
● Take a full breath, expanding your side ribs,
then breathe out as you tuck your tailbone under
and restack your vertebrae, one at a time.
WHY IT WORKS: Lengthening your out-breath activates
your rest and digest system; focusing calms a busy mind.
TIME:Rest in the pose for 5 to 10 minutes
● In a kneeling position, engage your core to support your spine,
release your shoulders down your back and gently close your eyes.
Relax the muscles of your face and jaw (pictured right).
● Bring your awareness to your breath. Feel your abdomen expand
as you inhale. Gently allow the breath to flow out through your mouth,
making the exhalation twice as long as the inhalation. Breathe slowly,
counting as you inhale and exhale.
● One by one, empty your mind of worries until you can focus on a
single positive thought, image or affirmation.
● If you like, repeat the ancient Sanskrit mantra ‘OM’ as one long,
drawn-out sound. Feel it reverberate through you.
● When you’re ready, gradually become aware of your surroundings.
Tune in to the sounds and scents around you, then open your eyes.
Shape Up with Pilates by Lynne Robinson
(Kyle Books, £19.99) is out now.
Stretches your
waist, lengthens the
spine, aids breathing.
REPS:5 to each side
● Stand on the floor (not
a mat), feet shoulder-width
apart. Lengthen your
spine and lengthen your
arms by your sides.
● Engaging your core
throughout, breathe in as
you raise your left arm out
to the side and overhead.
Breathe out as you reach
up and over, leading with
your head then bending
your spine to the right.
Keep both feet equally
rooted ground and don’t
curve forward or arch
back (pictured right).
● Breathing in, keep
lengthening up and focus
on breathing laterally.
● Breathe out as you
return to vertical. Lower
your left arm by your
side and repeat.
WORDS: Eve Boggenpoel PHOTOGRAPHY: Claire Pepper