WORDS: Mary Comber PHOTOGRAPHY: iStock
Cook well,
stay young
Add some sunshine to your plate
this spring – new research shows
that switching to a Mediterranean
diet could help you age more
slowly. In a study reported in the
BMJ, scientists discovered that
people who ate a Mediterranean
diet for a year, saw beneficial
changes to their gut microbiome
with an increase in bacteria
associated with healthy ageing,
reduced inflammation and
improved cognitive function.
The changes were mainly due to
an increase in fibre, vitamins and
minerals, including vitamin C, B6,
potassium, iron and magnesium.
To follow a Med-style diet,
stock your kitchen with fruits,
vegetables, nuts, legumes (such
as beans and lentils), olive oil and
fish. Aim to make fresh veg and
wholegrains the main focus of
your meals, keeping meat and
saturated fats to a more
occasional treat.
Healthy recipes