Michael Speransky. Statesman of Imperial Russia, 1772–1839 - Marc Raeff

(Chris Devlin) #1

It is an author's pleasant obligation to acknowledge the help and

advice received in the course of a research which occupied the better
part of five years. In a sense, it is impossible to do so fully, as much
is owed to passing remarks and casual conversations with friends,
colleagues, and students. But I do wish to thank my teachers and
colleagues who read the manuscript and gave me the benefit of their
knowledge and judgment. Professors Michael Karpovich and Dwight
E. Lee read the entire opus and their criticisms and suggestions helped
greatly in eliminating obscurities and improving the exposition. My
colleagues, Professors Morris H. Cohen, Sherman S. Hayden, H.
Donaldson Jordan, and James A. Maxwell read some of the chapters
and made valuable comments within their special areas of knowledge.
They are, of course, in no way responsible for whatever defects and
inaccuracies that remain. I am most grateful to M1'. James M. Miller
for his able assistance in compiling the index under a grant from the
Bland Fund of the History Department of Clark University. My
sincere appreciation goes to the numerous staff members of Widener
Library, the New York Public Library, the Library of Congress, the
Hoover Library, and the National Archives who helped me in locating

obscure and bulky publications. What lowe to my wife for her

encouragement, prodding, advice, and patient help is not to be
expressed here.
The publication of the book was made possible thanks to the
generosity of the Humanities Fund Inc., the Joint Committee on Slavic
Studies of the Social Science Research Council, and the Committee
for the Promotion of Advanced Slavic Cultural Studies Inc.
I am grateful to the Board of Editors of the American Slavic and
East European Review and of the Slavonic and East European Review
for permission to make use of materials that first appeared in article
form on the pages of the reviews.

Clark University
Worcester, Massachusetts

February 1957
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