Michael Speransky. Statesman of Imperial Russia, 1772–1839 - Marc Raeff

(Chris Devlin) #1

artistic activities after his departure. Speransky labored hard to lift the
spiritual level of Siberia by expanding and modernizing its economy.
A principal instrument for achieving this purpose were his rules for
freeing trade and preventing monopolies and bureaucratic interference.
Speransky's merit lay in the fact that he had seen Siberia's possibilities
most clearly. had called the attention of the government to them, and
had indicated the way in which their development could be best
supported and promoted. For this reason alone, his governorship and
reform opened a new period in Siberian history.
Finally, he did much to link Siberia more closely to European Rus-
sia, economically, culturally, socially, and administratively. His long
range goal was to have Siberia become part and parcel of Russia, in no
way different except for its size, wealth, and productivity. Then Siberia

would be able to playa more active part in Russia's trade and cultural

contacts with China ~nd Mongolia; it would pave the way for a more
intensive and rewarding exploitation of the Empire's position on

the Pacific. It might be added that Speransky also envisaged further

Russian agricultural expansion into the relatively empty steppe
lands of the Kazakhs. 1 Siberia's new position in Asia would also enhance

the role of Russia as a world power. It would become the link, eco-

nomically and culturally, between Europe and Asia.
The experience Speransky gained as governor of Penza and as
Governor General of Siberia proved of great significance both for
Siberia and his own political career and development. He returned
to St. Petersburg with a first-hand acquaintance of Russian local con-
ditions and needs. Not surprisingly therefore, Alexander I and Nicho-
las I used his talents and counsel in the area of provincial adminis-


P rim a r y sou r c e s: Speranskii: Obozrenie glavnykh osnovanii mestnogo
upravleniia Sibiri (po bumagam Speranskogo i Sibirskogo Komiteta), St. Pbg. 1841;
"Raport Speranskogo Gosudariu Imperatoru, 1 iunia 1820," Russkii Arkhiv, (1870),
pp. 598-599; "Pis'ma M. M. Speranskogo k ego docheri iz Penzy i s dorogi v Sibir'.
22 okt. 1816-18 mai 1819," Russkii Arkhiv, (1868), Nos. 7 & 8, pp. 1103-1212;
"Pis'ma Speranskogo k ego docheri iz Sibiri, 30 maia 1819-17 marta 1821," Russkii
Arkhiv, (1868), No. 11, pp. 1682-1811; "Pis'ma k V. P. Kochubeiu," Russkaia
Starina, III (July 1902), pp. 51-54; "Pis'ma k A. A. Stolypinu s 23.11.1813 do
18.IX.1819," Russkii Arkhiv, (1869), Nos. 10 and 11, pp. 1682-1708 and 1966-1984;

1 Cf. PSZ 29, 127. the statute on the Kirghiz, as an instrument for preparing the
penetration of Russia into the Kirghiz (Kazakh) steppes.
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