Michael Speransky. Statesman of Imperial Russia, 1772–1839 - Marc Raeff

(Chris Devlin) #1

Bentham, Jeremy (philosopher, 1748-
1832) 38, 43, 130, 131, 322, 323
Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules, prince
de Pontecorvo (Crown Prince of
Sweden, later King Charles XIV,
1763-1844) 192
Bestuzhev, Nikolai Aleksandrovich (De-
cembrist, 1791-1855) 310, 315
Bezborodko, Aleksandr Andreevich
(Chancellor, 1747-1799) 27
Blackstone, sir William (jurist, 1723-
1780) 43, 120, 128
Blagoveshchenskii, Aleksei Andreevich
(jurist, 1800-1835) 328
Bludov, Dmitrii Nikolaevich Count
(President of Council of State, 1785-
1864) 354
Borovkov, Aleksandr Dmitrievich (mem-
ber of Special Criminal Court, 1788-
1856) 309, 313
Brueckner (private tutor) 15
Bulgakov, Aleksandr Iakovlevich 193,
Burke, Edmund (writer, parliamenta-
rian, 1729-1797) 154, 211, 218, 219,
Cantillon, Richard de (economist, died
1734) 99
Catherine II (Empress of Russia 1762-
1796) 5, 15, 18, 29-35, 43, 49, 60,
65,83,84,89,97,99, 1l0, 172,212,
213, 314, 329, 366; & nobility 97,
110, 150, 160, 230, 231, 234; &
administrative policies 126, 127, 139,
140, 150, 152,245, 246, 271, 293, 360
Catherine Pavlovna, Grand Duchess
(Duchess of Oldenburg, later Queen
of Wiirttemberg, 1788-1819) 175,
176, 177
Caulaincourt, Armand AuguStin Louis
marquis de, duc de Vicence (General,
Ambassador, 1773-1827) 76
Cherkasskii, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Prince (publicist, administrator, 1824-
1878) 354
Chemyshev, Aleksandr I vanovich Prince
(General, Minister of War, President
of Council of State, 1785-1857) 309,
Condillac, Etienne Bonnot abbe de
(philosopher, 1714-1780) 11
Constantine Pavlovich, Grand Duke
(brother of Alexander I, Viceroy of
Poland, 1779-1831) 18,308
Courland, duke of (Ernest Johann
Biihren (Biron], 1690-1772) 330
Czartoryski, Adam [kniaz' Adam Ada-
movich] (friend of Alexander I,
diplomat, Polish patriot, 1770-1861)
30, 33, 43, 56, 75

Danilovich, Ignatii Nikolaevich [Y gnacy
Danilowicz] (historian, 1787-1843)
Dashkov, Dmitrii Vasil'evich Prince
(Minister of Justice, 1788-1839) 333,
Descartes, Rene (philosopher, 1596-

1650) II

Dibich, Ivan lvanovich Count rnibich-
Zabalkanskii] (General-Fielclmar-
shal, 1785-1829) 316
Diderot, Denis (encyclopediste, 1713-1784)
Druzhinin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (his-
torian, born 1886) 302

Elizabeth (Empress of Russia, 1741-
1761) 229
Engel', F. 1. (memblT of Special Crimi-
nal Court) 315
Engel'gardt, Egor Antonovich [Georg
Reinhold Engelhardt] (educator,
1775-1862) 352
Ermak Timofeevich (conqueror of
Siberia, died 1584) 267
Ermolov, Aleksei Petrovich (General
Cominander in Chief in the Caucasus,
1772-1861) 309, 311
Eugene (Bishop) 57
Euler, Leonhard (mathematician, 1707-
1783) 12

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (philosopher,
1762-1814) 208, 210, 215, 216, 226,
Filangieri, Gaetano (jurist, 1752-1788)
Fontenelle, Bernard Ie Bovier de (phi-
losopher, 1657-1757) 12
Franklin, Benjamin (scientist, statesman,
1706-1790) 12
Frederick II (King of Prussia, 1740-
1786) 43, 65, 158
Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis (his-
torian, 1830-1889) 34
George, duke of Oldenburg [Georgii
Petrovich] (Governor General of
Tver', Iaroslavl', and Novgorod,
1784-1812) 175
Gershenzon, Mikhail Osipovich (his-
torian, 1869-1925) 171
GogoI', Nikolai Vasil'evich (writer,
1809-1852) 229
Golitsyn, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Prince
(friend of Alexander I, Minister for
Religious Affairs, 1773-1844) 183,
190, 191,241
Golitsyn, N.V. (historian) 314,317
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