Artist's Magazine - USA (2020-05)

(Antfer) #1 43

Sketch of Helga
THE IMPORTANCE OF SHAPES 1969; oil on panel, 10x12

I painted Sketch of Helga quickly with a few large,
clear-cut shapes: two large dark values that make up
the background on either side of the figure and the dark
portion of the hair; two more very light shapes for the
puffy sleeves and minor lights on the model’s hair, collar
and hands; a third middle tone for flesh tones in shadow
and the lower skirt; and finally, the dark wine-colored
shape of her bodice. That’s only six major shapes to deal
with in my block-in.
I also chose to render this sketch as loosely as
possible so as not to become involved in time-consuming
detail. I felt the most important aspect of this pose
was the graceful sweep of the subject’s arms and the
concentration of light upon her hands and hair. The
bright, hard-edged palette-knife strokes, showing the
brilliant light on either side of the collar, set off the softer,
more fluid brushwork of the painting in general.
—Richard Schmid

partial block-in
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