HackSpace – September 2019

(Wang) #1






Ugo Vallauri



HackSpace magazine meets...

ost people who like
making things also like
to take things apart. We
love to see how things
work, and the best way to
do that is to break them,
then put them back together again. It’s
like a puzzle game, but one in which you
win a prize of an ‘extra’ nut or bolt.
However, this simple joy is at risk
of being extinguished. Appliance
manufacturers all too often use hard-
to-find screws, or glue things together,
meaning that it’s getting harder to fix the
things that you own. And in some cases,
you’re not even legally allowed to fix your
own stuff.
Thankfully, there are a number of
organisations fighting against this rising
tide of waste, ignorance, and restriction,
including the Restart Project, a London-
based organisation campaigning in the
UK and Europe to protect our right to
repair. We spoke to Restart’s co-founder,
Ugo Vallauri, about the green economy,
recycling, and why it’s essential that
we have the freedom to repair the stuff
we own.


Ugo Vallauri

Focusing on openness in the repair economy

Two advocates for
re-use and recycling,
at the 9estart oMfiJe in
Brixton, London
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