Publishers Weekly - 27.01.2020

(Tina Sui) #1


Hardcover | 256 pp. | 9780486839288 | $22.
March 18, 2020

Hardcover | 176 pp. | 9780486837475 | $26.
March 18, 2020

“The women chronicled here...will
provide every feminist in your life not
only with inspiration but with motivation
to go out and change the world.”
— Jennifer Wright, Political Editor-at-
Large for Harper’s Bazaar

Inspiring books on leadership,
business, spirituality, and wellness



Celebrate Women’s History Month
with stories, interviews, and essays
from 50 extraordinary heroes

“A must-have poetry collection that will
author of Choose Wonder Over Worry

Heartfelt poetry and stunning
photography celebrate the creative soul
that lives in every woman

represented Sebastian, and the book is slated for summer 2021.

■ Nelson Gets Critical at Graywolf
Maggie Nelson, whose bestselling memoir The Argonauts
was one of PW’s top 10 best books of 2015, sold two new
titles to Graywolf Press. The first, The Myth of Freedom, set
for fall 2021, is, the publisher said, “a heady, brilliant,
iconoclastic work of criticism.” The second book in the deal
is a currently untitled essay collection. Graywolf described
the latter as “a series of deep dives into the work of individual
artists.” Ethan Nosowsky, editorial director at Graywolf,
acquired North American rights from PJ Mark at Janklow &

■ Dutch WWII Memoir to Scribner
For six figures, Scribner’s Valerie Steiker nabbed North
American rights to a WWII memoir by Selma van de Perre,
a Dutch resistance fighter and concentration camp survivor.
My Name Is Selma was preempted by Steiker after the
book sold in a number of foreign rights deals. Released on
January 9 in the Netherlands by Thomas Rap, the book
has, to date, sold in Germany, Italy, and the U.K. Bernat
Fiol at SalmaiaLit, who is handling foreign sales for the title and brokered the
agreement with Steiker, said the memoir is currently on the Dutch bestseller
list. The 97-year-old author became a journalist after the war and has worked
for the BBC and as a foreign correspondent for a Dutch television station. In
1983 she won the Dutch Resistance Commemoration Cross. She lives in London.

■ Photographer Sells ‘Inferno’
Documentary photographer Stuart Palley sold a narrative
nonfiction book about California wildfires to Blackstone
Publishing. Into the Inferno was sold by Jennifer Chen Tran
at Bradford Literary, who said that the book is “about braving
harrowing conditions on the front lines of California’s major
wildfires” and addresses “how climate change is permanently
altering the world.” Vikki Warner took world rights to the
title, which Blackstone has slated for fall 2021.

■ Ballantine Keeps Lefteri’s ‘Songbirds’
Christy Lefteri, author of the 2019 bestseller The Beekeeper
of Aleppo, sold a new novel to Andra Miller, her editor at
Ballantine. Songbirds, Ballantine said, follows “a Nepali
domestic worker living on the island of Cyprus who goes
missing.” Her employer tries to unravel the mystery of the
disappearance and finds herself “embroiled in the deeper
truths of modern slavery.” Lefteri was represented by
Marianne Gunn O’Connor, who has an eponymous shingle
and sold North American rights in the deal.


Van de Perre






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