The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1


I have incorporated advice from colleagues who kindly agreed to
read the entire final draft – David Holloway, Geoffrey Hosking, Bobo
Lo and Silvio Pons. I owe them a large debt for many invaluable sug-
gestions. The same is true of Anne Deighton, Paul Gregory, Andrew
Hurrell, Sir Roderic Lyne, Melvyn Leffler and Hugo Service, who
examined several chapters. My literary agent David Godwin discussed
the idea for the book when I returned from California excited about
the material in the Hoover Archives. His encouragement is much
appreciated. At Pan Macmillan, Georgina Morley has offered constant
help in sculpting the book into shape. By far and away my biggest debt
is to my wife Adele, who has been through the draft twice and made
innumerable suggestions for improvements. I can well imagine that
some of my findings will prove controversial – it is unfeasible to write
seriously on this subject without raising hackles. But the book has
been a pleasure to research and write. The errors, misjudgements and
infelicities that remain are my responsibility and mine alone.

Robert Service
London N16
June 2015
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