The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1
Select Bibliography

The following sources were actively used in the chapters. An exhaustive list of
archives, documentary publications, memoirs and secondary works on the end
of the Cold War would call for a book in itself.


British Diplomatic Oral History Programme (abbreviated as BDOHP)

Sir Rodric Braithwaite, ‘Moscow Diary’

George Bush Presidential Library

Central Intelligence Agency

Central Intelligence Agency Papers (abbreviated as CIA Papers)

Churchill College, Cambridge

Hoover Institution, Stanford University, CA (abbreviated as HIA)
A. L. Adamishin Papers
Richard V. Allen Papers
William J. Casey Papers
Committee on the Present Danger Records
Deaver & Hannaford, Inc. Records
John P. Dunlop Collection
Eastern European Oral History Project interviews 1999–2001
Eesti NSV Riikliku Julgeoleku Komitee records, 1920–1991
Fond 89
Charles Hill Papers
Hoover Institution and Gorbachev Foundation Collection
(abbreviated as HIGFC)
Fred Charles Iklé Papers
John O. Koehler Papers
Vitali Korotych Papers
Edward Landsdale Papers
Lietuvos SSR Valstybes Saugumo Komitetas (Lithuanian SSR KGB)
Selected Records

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