The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. National Security Decision Directive no. 54, 9 September 1982, pp. 1–4:
    RRPL, Paula Dobriansky Files, RAC, box 7.

7: The Soviet Quarantine

  1. See R. Service, Russia: Experiment with a People. From 1991 to the Present,
    pp. 312–13.

  2. R. Z. Sagdeev, The Making of a Soviet Scientist: My Adventures in Nuclear
    Fusion and Space from Stalin to Star Wars, p. 292.

  3. Author’s observation, early 1974.

  4. S. Voronitsyn in Sovetskaya Rossiya as reported in Radio Liberty Research,
    5 July 1982.

  5. See A. B. Evans, Soviet Marxism: The Decline of an Ideology, pp. 105–6.

  6. Memorandum on ‘hostile aspirations and anti-Soviet actions of the Lithua-
    nian reactionary emigration against the Lithuanian SSR’, 15 April 1985:
    Lithuanian SSR KGB (HIA), K-1/3/784, p. 4; P. Goble and A. Worobij to
    National Security Council, ‘USSR: The Counterpropaganda Apparatus in the
    Ukraine’ 12 October 1983, pp. 1–2: RRPL, John Lenczowsky Files, box 1,
    Active Measures. See also A. A. Snyder, Warriors of Disinformation: Amer-
    ican Propaganda, Soviet Lies, and the Winning of the Cold War: An Insider’s
    Account, pp. 26–7.

  7. USPS booklet (1985), pp. 17–18: Center for International Civil Society
    (HIA), box 88, folder 1.

  8. USSR KGB to Comrade Zvezdenkov, 7 January 1983: Lithuanian SSR KGB
    (HIA), K-1/3/775.

  9. USSR KGB to the KGB leaderships in Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Grodno and
    Pskov, 9 March 1983: ibid.

  10. Z. F. Osipov, Report of the 3rd Department of the Lithuanian SSR KGB, 7
    December 1984: ibid., K-1/3/782, p. 10.

  11. Yu. V. Andropov to the Central Committee: ‘Ob itogakh raboty po rozysku
    avtorov antisovetskikh anonimnykh dokumentakh za 1979 god’, 31 January
    1980: Dmitri A. Volkogonov Papers (HIA), reel 18.

  12. V. M. Chebrikov to the Central Committee: ‘Ob itogakh raboty po rozysku
    avtorov antisovetskikh anonimnykh dokumentakh za 1979 god’, 9 February
    1984: ibid.

  13. Yu. V. Andropov, ‘Otchët o rabote Komiteta gosudarstvennoi bezopasnosti
    SSSR za 1981 god’, pp. 1–3 and 6–8: ibid. See also A. P. Rupshis, Report-mem-
    orandum on the results of the counter-intelligence activity of the 2nd
    Department of the Lithuanian SSR KGB for 1984, 14 January 1985: Lithua-
    nian SSR KGB (HIA), K-1/3/783, pp. 1 and 4.

  14. Memorandum on hostile aspirations and anti-Soviet actions of the Lithua-
    nian reactionary emigration against the Lithuanian SSR, 15 April 1985: ibid.,
    K-1/3/784, pp. 2 and 5–8.

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