The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. Meeting of M. S. Gorbachëv, N. I. Ryzhkov, N. Ceauşescu and C. Dadalescu,
    4 December 1989: Ş. Săndulescu, Decembrie ’89: Lovitura de stat a confiscate
    revoluţie română, pp. 289–93.

  2. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 17 December 1989: T. G. Stepanov-
    Mamaladze Papers (HIA), box 5.

  3. Politburo meeting, 23 December 1989: RGASPI, f. 89, op. 9, d. 67.

  4. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 3 January 1990: T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze
    Papers (HIA), box 5.

  5. Ibid., 6 January 1990.

  6. Ibid.

  7. See M. E. Sarotte, 1989: The Struggle to Create Post-Cold War Europe, p. 99.

  8. G. K. Shakhnazarov, S vozdyami i bez nikh, p. 173.

  9. Politburo meeting, 26 January 1990: V Politbyuro TsK KPSS. Po zapisyam
    Anatoliya Chernyaeva, Vadima Medvedeva, Georgiya Shakhnazarova, 1985–
    1991 , p. 474.

  10. Shakhnazarov, S vozdyami i bez nikh, p. 173.

  11. V. L. Kataev, diary notes on arms reduction and ‘Five’ work, 1988–1990, 29
    January 1990: Vitalii Leonidovich Kataev Papers (HIA), box 2, folder 5.

  12. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 1 February 1990: T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze
    Papers (HIA), box 5.

  13. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 11 February 1990: ibid., box 5.

  14. Politburo minute, 9 March 1990: RGASPI, f. 89, op. 8, d. 78, p. 1.

  15. See also M. Kramer, ‘Gorbachev and the Demise of East European Commu-
    nism’, in S. Pons and F. Romero (eds), Reinterpreting the End of the Cold War.
    Issues, Interpretations, Periodizations, p. 193.

  16. Central Committee plenum, 5 February 1990: RGASPI, f. 3, op. 5, d. 420,
    p. 11.

  17. Ibid., f. 3, op. 5, d. 421, pp. 20–1.

  18. Ibid., p. 113.

  19. Ibid., f. 3, op. 5, d. 422, pp. 27–8.

  20. Politburo meeting, 29 January 1990: V Politbyuro TsK KPSS, p. 481.

  21. J. A. Baker to E. A. Shevardnadze, 3 February 1990: Vitalii Leonidovich
    Kataev Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 35.

  22. Meeting of J. A. Baker and E. A. Shevardnadze, 9 February 1990 (memcon),
    p. 3: National Security Archive, Soviet Flashpoints, box 38.

  23. ‘O peregovorakh c Dzh. Beikerom, 7–8 fevralya 1990, pp. 1–5: Vitalii
    Leonidovich Kataev Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 36.

  24. J. A. Baker to all diplomatic posts, 13 February 1990, pp. 3–4: US Department
    of State FOIA Documents.

  25. First telephone conversation of G. H. W. Bush and H. Kohl, 13 February
    1990, pp. 1–2:
    cons/1990-02-13--Kohl%20%5B1%5D.pdf. See also P. Zelikow and C. Rice,
    Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft, p. 184.

  26. Official Soviet note on Baker’s position in the Moscow talks: Vitalii Leo-
    nidovich Kataev Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 36; memcon: J. A. Baker, M. S.

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