Using 3.25mm needles and yarn
A cast on 159 (165, 173, 179) sts
Work in 1 x 1 Rib as folls:
£ Work six rows in yarn A
£ Work four rows in yarn B
£ Work four rows in yarn D
Change to 3.75mm needles
£ Beg with a k (RS) row, work in
st st in Body stripe sequence until
work meas 55cm, ending after a
WS row
Shape shoulders
£ Cast off eight sts at
beg of next eight rows.
95 (101, 109, 115) sts
£ Cast off 8 (8, 9, 9) sts at beg of
next six rows. 47 (53, 55, 61) sts
Leave rem sts on holder
for Back neck
£ Work as given for Back until
work meas 7cm less than Back to
start of shoulder shaping, ending
after a WS row
Shape left neck
£ Patt 66 (66, 69, 69), turn
Leave rem sts on holder
£ Next row: p1, p2tog, patt to
end. One st dec
£ Next row: patt to last three sts,
k2tog, k1. One st dec
£ Rep last two rows four times
more. 56 (56, 59, 59) sts
£ Cont in patt on rem sts until
work meas same as Back to start
of shoulder shaping, ending after
a WS row
Shape left shoulder
£ Cast off eight sts at beg
of next and three foll alt rows.
24 (24, 27, 27) sts
£ Work one row
£ Cast off 8 (8, 9, 9) sts at beg of
next and two foll alt rows
Shape right neck
Leave next 27 (33, 35, 41) sts on
holder and rejoin yarn to rem 66
(66, 69, 69) sts
£ Next row: k1, ssk, patt to end.
One st dec
£ Next row: p to last three sts,
p2tog tbl, p1. One st dec
£ Rep last two rows four times
more. 56 (56, 59, 59) sts
£ Cont in patt on rem sts until
work meas same as Back to start
of shoulder shaping, ending
after a RS row
Shape right shoulder
£ Cast off eight sts at beg of
next and three foll alt rows. 24
(24, 27, 27) sts
£ Work one row
£ Cast off 8 (8, 9, 9) sts at beg of
next and two foll alt rows
SLEEVE (make two)
Using 3.25mm needles and
yarn A, cast on 69 (71, 73, 75) sts
Work in 1 x 1 Rib as folls:
£ Work two rows in yarn A
£ Work two rows in yarn B
£ Work two rows in yarn C
£ Work two rows in yarn D
£ Cont in yarn E only until work
meas 30cm, ending after a WS row
£ Cast off kwise
Join left shoulder seam
£ With RS facing rejoin yarn E to
47 (53, 55, 61) sts left on a holder
for Back neck and k across, pick
up and k 22 sts along straight
edge of neck, nine sts along neck
shaping, k across 27 (33, 35, 41) sts
left on holder for Front neck, pick
up and k nine sts up neck shaping
and 23 sts along straight edge of
neck. 137 (149, 153, 165) sts
Work in 1 x 1 Rib as folls:
£ Work two rows in yarn E
£ Work two rows in yarn D
£ Work two rows in yarn C
£ Work two rows in yarn B
£ Work two rows in yarn A
£ Cast off in rib in yarn A
Join remaining shoulder and
Neckband seam with mattress
stitch. Sew top of Sleeves evenly
along each side of shoulder
seam stretching out rib of Sleeve
slightly. Sew side seams and
Sleeve seams with mattress
stitch. Weave in all ends. Wet
block to measurements given LK
Jeans, £80, Betty Barclay; Necklace, £75, Kettlewell Colours
1 X 1 RIB
£ Row 1 (WS): * k1, p1, rep from
* to last st, k
£ Row 2: * p1, k1, rep from
* to last st, p
£ Work four rows in yarn E
£ Work eight rows in yarn C
£ Work eight rows in yarn E
£ Work four rows in yarn B
£ Work four rows in yarn A
£ Work four rows in yarn D
Using yarns D and C, work two
rows in Fair Isle as folls:
NOTE: letter foll instruction
indicates yarn shade
£ Row 1: * k1 D, k1 C, rep from
* to last st, k1 D
£ Row 2: * p1 D, p1 C, rep from
* to last st, p1 D
£ Work four rows in yarn C
£ Work four rows in yarn B
Using yarns B and D, work two
rows in Fair Isle as folls:
£ Row 1: * k1 D, k1 B, rep from
* to last st, k1 D
£ Row 2: * p1 D, p1 B, rep from
* to last st, p1 D
£ Work ten rows in yarn D
£ Work four rows in yarn C
Using yarns C and B, work two
rows in Fair Isle as folls:
£ Row 1: * k1 B, k1 C, rep from
* to last st, k1 B
£ Row 2: * p1 B, p1 C, rep from
* to last st, p1 B
£ Work four rows in yarn B
£ Work four rows in yarn A
£ Work four rows in yarn E
Using yarns E and A, work two
rows in Fair Isle as folls:
£ Row 1: * k1 E, k1 A, rep from
* to last st, k1 E
£ Row 2: * p1 E, p1 A, rep from
* to last st, p1 E
£ Work six rows in yarn A
Using yarns A and C, work two
rows in Fair Isle as folls:
£ Row 1: * k1 A, k1 C, rep from
* to last st, k1 A
£ Row 2: * p1 A, p1 C, rep from
* to last st, p1 A
£ Work six rows in yarn C
£ Work six rows in yarn B
£ Work eight rows in yarn A
Using yarns A and E, work two
rows in Fair Isle as folls:
£ Row 1: * k1 A, k1 E, rep from
* to last st, k1 A
£ Row 2: * p1 A, p1 E, rep from
* to last st, p1 A
£ Work four rows in yarn E
£ Work four rows in yarn C
£ Work four rows in yarn B
£ Work four rows in yarn C
£ Work ten rows in yarn D
Using yarns D and A, work two
rows in Fair Isle as folls:
£ Row 1: * k1 D, k1 A, rep from
* to last st, k1 D
£ Row 2: * p1 D, p1 A, rep from
* to last st, p1 D
£ Work ten rows in yarn A
£ Work four rows in yarn B
Using yarns C and B, work two
rows in Fair Isle as folls:
£ Row 1: * k1 B, k1 C, rep from
* to last st, k1 B
£ Row 2: * p1 B, p1 C, rep from
* to last st, p1 B
£ Work six rows in yarn C
Using yarns C and E, work two
rows in Fair Isle as folls:
£ Row 1: * k1 E, k1 C, rep from
* to last st, k1 E
£ Row 2: * p1 E, p1 C, rep from
* to last st, p1 E
Cont in yarn E only
“This garment
is oversized so
you may choose
a smaller size
than you would
normally require if you
don’t want it to be so
large on you. If so you
may need to lengthen
the sleeves.”
Jacinta Bowie
“There are lots
of stitches for
all sizes so
you may find it
easier to use a
circular needle
and work back
and forth”
LK Editorial Assistant,
Libby Loughnan