Let's Knit - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1


Using 3mm needles cast on 128
(138, 154, 168, 184) sts. Pm on
each side of 32 (42, 58, 72, 88)
centre sts. Work in st st and
short rows as folls:
£ Next row: k to marker, turn
£ Next row: p to marker, turn
£ Rep last two rows, working an
additional four sts after last turn
on each side five times, then an
additional three sts after last turn
on each side four times, then
an additional two sts after last
turn on each side five times,
then an additional one st after
last turn on each side six times,
to form bottom curve
£ Cont in st st without shaping
until work meas 32cm
£ Cast on 7 (7, 7, 8, 8) sts at beg
of next two rows. 142 (152, 168,
184, 200) sts
£ Cont in st st without shaping
until work meas 42cm

Shape armholes
Cast off at beg of next two
rows as folls:

First size only
£ Five sts once, four sts once,
three sts twice, two sts twice
and one st three times. 98 sts

Second size only
£ Five sts once, four sts twice,
three sts twice, two sts three
times and one st once. 100 sts

Third size only
£ Five sts twice, four sts twice,
three sts twice, two sts three
times and one st once. 106 sts

Fourth size only
£ Six sts once, five sts twice,
four sts twice, three sts twice,
two sts three times and
one st twice. 108 sts

Fifth size only
£ Six sts once, five sts twice,
four sts twice, three sts three
times, two sts four times and
one st twice. 114 sts

All sizes
£ Cont in st st without shaping
until work meas 64 (65, 66, 67,
68) cm, ending after a WS row
£ Next row: cast off 4 (4, 5, 5, 6)
sts, k until there are 37 (37, 39, 40,
42) sts on right needle, turn and
work on these sts for first side
£ Next row (WS): cast off six sts,
p to end
£ Cont to shape neck by casting
off six sts at beg of next WS row
and five sts at beg of foll WS
row AT THE SAME TIME shape
shoulder by casting off at beg of
RS rows as folls: 5 (5, 5, 5, 6) sts
4 (4, 2, 1, 3) times and then 0 (0,
6, 6, 7) sts 0 (0, 2, 3, 1) times
£ Rejoin yarn to rem sts, cast
off next 16 (18, 18, 18, 18) sts,
complete to match first side,
reversing shapings

£ Work as for Back until armhole
shaping is complete. 98 (100,
106, 108, 114) sts

All sizes
£ Cont in st st without shaping
until work meas 55 (56, 57, 58,
59) cm, ending after a WS row
£ Next row: k41 (41, 44, 45, 48),
turn and work on these sts for
first side
£ Next row (WS): cast off four
sts, p to end
£ Cont to shape neck by casting
off three sts at beg of next WS
row, two sts at beg of next WS
row and one st at beg of next WS
row and then casting off one st
at beg of every alt WS row seven
times, AT THE SAME TIME when
work meas 64 (65, 66, 67, 68) cm
shape shoulder by casting off at
beg of RS rows as folls: 4 (4, 5, 5,
6) sts 1 (1, 3, 2, 4) times and then
5 (5, 6, 6, 7) sts 4 (4, 2, 3, 1) times
£ Rejoin yarn to rem sts, cast
off next 16 (18, 18, 18, 18) sts,
complete to match first side,
reversing shapings

SLEEVE (make two)
Using 2.25mm needles, cast on
86 (90, 94, 98, 106) sts
£ Work in k2, p2 rib for 3cm
Change to 3mm needles
£ K one row, inc 0 (0, 2, 2, 0)
sts across row. 86 (90, 96,
100, 106) sts
Working incs two sts in from
each end of row, cont in
st st as folls:
£ Inc one st at each end of
every foll 16th (12th, 12th, 10th,
10th) row 4 (6, 1, 2, 2) times and
every foll 14th (10th, 10th, 8th,
8th) row 1 (1, 7, 8, 8) times. 96
(104, 112, 120, 126) sts
£ Cont without shaping
until Sleeve meas 26cm

Shape sleeve cap
Cast off at beg of next two
rows as folls:

First size only
£ Two sts five times, one st 18
times, two sts five times. 20 sts

Second size only
£ Three sts twice, two sts
three times, one st 18 times,
two sts three times, three sts
twice. 20 sts

Third size only
£ Three sts twice, two sts five
times, one st 14 times, two sts
five times and three sts twice.
20 sts

Fourth size only
£ Three sts twice, two sts
seven times, one st ten times,
two sts seven times and three
sts twice. 20 sts

Fifth size only
£ Four sts once, three sts twice,
two sts six times, one st 11 times,
two sts five times, three sts twice
and four sts once. 20 sts

All sizes
£ Cast off rem 20 sts

£ Using 2.25mm needles and
with RS facing, starting at top
of slit, pick up and k 256 (272,
288, 308, 328) sts along edge
of bottom hem to top of slit on
opposite side
£ Work in k2, p2 rib for 3cm
£ Cast off
£ Rep for second piece

Join right shoulder seam
£ Using 2.25mm needles and
RS facing, beg at left shoulder,
pick up and k 170 (174, 174, 174,
174, 174) sts around neck edge
£ Work in k2, p2 rib for 3cm
£ Cast off

Join left shoulder and Neckband
seam. Sew sleeves into
armholes. Join side seams as
far as start of curve on ribbed
section, stitching edges of trim
bands to body. Join Sleeve
seams. Weave in ends and
see ball band for further
care instructions LK




The hem of this sweater is created
using short rows, meaning you
turn before you reach the end of
the row and work back. The curve
shape is made by working a few
more stitches after the last turn on
every row. The pattern tells you
how many extra stitches to work.
For example, one your first two
short rows you just work to where
the markers are and turn, but on
your next ten rows you work to
where you previously turned and
then work and additional four
stitches before turning. Your row
gets longer each time and a gentle
curve is created.

Creating the


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