Let's Knit - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1


seam. Stuff Head, then close as
Body. With Head seam on
underside, stitch Head to top of
Body. On Arms and Legs, use
cast-on tail to run a gathering
thread through all stitches on
cast-on edge and pull tight,
then stitch seam on each one,
leaving top open. Stuff, leaving
about 2cm at the top unstuffed.
Flatten top and stitch cast-off
edges together. Stitch Legs to
base of Body, taking needle
through Body and tops of Legs
several times. Position Arms
and stitch in place like Legs.
Stitch a lining to each Ear, with
wrong sides together, then stitch
Ears to Head. Embroider nose in
satin stitch and mouth in
backstitch or split stitch. Stitch
buttons firmly in place, for eyes.
Using yarn D, make a 5cm
pom-pom and attach to bottom
of Body at back.

Using 3mm needles and yarn B,
cast on 108 sts
£ Rows 1-3: k
Change to 3.75mm needles
£ Row 4: p
£ Row 5: (k7, k2tog) to
end. 96 sts
£ Rows 6-8: beg with a k row,
work three rows in st st
£ Row 9: (k6, k2tog) to
end. 84 sts
£ Rows 10-12: rep Rows 6-8
£ Row 13: (k5, k2tog) to
end. 72 sts
£ Rows 14-16: rep Rows 6-8
£ Row 17: (k4, k2tog) to
end. 60 sts
£ Rows 18-20: rep Rows 6-8
£ Row 21: (k3, k2tog) to
end. 48 sts
£ Rows 22-24: rep Rows 6-8
£ Row 25: (k2, k2tog) to
end. 36 sts
£ Rows 26-29: beg with a p row,
work four rows in st st
£ Row 30: k
£ Rows 31-33: beg with a k row,
work three rows in st st
£ Cast off

Crossover top
Using 3mm needles and yarn B,
cast on 32 sts
£ Rows 1-3: k
Change to 3.75mm needles
£ Rows 4-23: beg with a p row,
work 20 rows in st st
£ Row 24: p10, k12, p10
£ Row 25: k
£ Row 26: p10, k12, p10
£ Cast off

ss up

EAR (make two)
Using 3mm needles and yarn A,
cast on seven sts
£ Rows 1-8: beg with a k row,
work eight rows in st st
£ Row 9: kfb, k to last st, kfb.
Nine sts
£ Rows 10-16: beg with a p row,
work seven rows in st st
£ Rows 17-32: rep Rows 9-16
twice more. 13 sts
£ Row 33: skpo, k to last two sts,
k2tog. 11 sts
£ Row 34: p
£ Rows 35-38: rep Rows 33-34

three times more. Five sts
£ Cast off

EAR LINING (make two)
Using 3mm needles and yarn B,
cast on six sts
£ Rows 1-8: beg with a k row,
work eight rows in st st
£ Row 9: kfb, k to last st, kfb.
Eight sts
£ Rows 10-16: beg with a p row,
work seven rows in st st
£ Rows 17-32: rep Rows 9-16
twice more. 12 sts
£ Row 33: skpo, k to last two sts,

k2tog. Ten sts
£ Row 34: p
£ Rows 35-38: rep Rows
33-34 three times more.
Four sts
£ Cast off

Using cast-off tail, stitch seam
of Body, leaving base open.
Stuff, not too firmly, then run a
gathering thread through all
stitches on cast-on edge and
pull to close gap, fasten off.
Using cast-off tail, stitch Head
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