Let's Knit - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
NOTE: worked from top to
bottom in foll two-row stripe
sequence: yarn A, yarn B,
yarn C, yarn D, yarn E, yarn
F, yarn G. Patt is over four
sts plus three
Using 4mm hook and yarn A,
make 44ch
£ Row 1 (RS): starting in
second ch from hook, 1dc in
each ch to end, turn. 43 sts
Commence bobble patt:
£ Row 2 (WS): 1ch, * 3dc,
5trCL in next st, rep from
* to last three sts, 3dc, turn.
Ten bobbles
£ Row 3: 1ch, * 3dc, 1dc in
top of next 5trCL, rep from
* to last three sts, 3dc, turn
£ Row 4: 1ch, 1dc, 5trCL in
next st, * 3dc, 5trCL in next st,
rep from * to last st, 1dc, turn.
11 bobbles
£ Row 5: 1ch, 1dc, * 1dc in top
of next 5trCL, 3dc, rep from
* to last 5trCL, 1dc in top of
last 5trCL, 1dc, turn
£ Rep Rows 2-5 until 16
bobble rows have been
worked, ending after a Row 5
£ Fasten off

Using 4mm hook and with
RS facing, join yarn A in
top left-hand corner of
Row 1 of Cosy
£ Row 1: 1ch, (1dc in each of
next five rows down first side
edge, dc2tog over next two
rows) four times, 1dc in each
row to corner, (1dc, 1ch, 1dc) in
corner st, * 1dc in top of
5trCL, 3dc, rep from * to
next corner, (1dc, 1ch, 1dc) in

corner st, (1dc in each of next
five rows up side edge,
dc2tog over next two rows)
four times, 1dc in each row
to corner, (1dc, 1ch, 1dc) in
corner st, 1dc in each st on
underside of foundation ch
to next corner, (1dc, 1ch, 1dc)
in corner st, join with a sl st
to first dc, turn
£ Row 2: 1ch, work 1dc in
each st and 3dc in each
corner ch sp to end, join
with a sl st to first dc
£ Fasten off

Using 4mm hook and yarn A,
make 13ch
£ Row 1: starting in eighth ch
from hook, 1dc in each ch to
end, turn. Six sts
£ Row 2: 1ch, 6dc, 1dc in
each of next three ch, 2dc in
next ch, 1dc in each of next
three ch, working on
opposite side of ch, 1dc in
each of next six ch, turn
£ Row 3: 1ch, 9dc, 2dc in
each of next two dc, 8dc,
sl st in last dc
£ Fasten off

Keep your coffee hot in the pot with a vibrant cosy. It’s worked in pure
wool which is a great natural insulator and looks wonderfully cheerful
with its stripy spring shades. Only one ball of each colour is required so it’s
an ideal project for using up your yarn leftovers. Practice the cluster before
you begin so you can make sure your bobbles are nice and even.



With RS together join top of
side seams for 2.5cm, leaving
remaining seam open. With
RS together, sew Tab to
bottom of side edge, 1cm
from corner. Turn right way
out. Sew large button on
bottom of Cosy to
correspond with buttonhole
on Tab. Sew small buttons
on edging positioning first
button between second
and third bobble from bottom
and second button between
second and third bobble
from top

LOOPS (make two)
Using 4mm hook and with
RS facing, join yarn A in dc
of edging on same side as
Tab to align with side of
small button
£ 1ch, 1dc in same st, 3ch,
miss one st, 1dc in next st
£ Fasten off
Weave in ends LK

“When working a double
crochet into the top of the
5-treble cluster, make the double
crochet stitch into the chain
at the top of the cluster.”

Designer, Nicki Trench




Crochet a colourful^

Cosy: 30cm x 17.5cm
To fit: a medium-size 4-6 cup
cafetière, 30cm circumference

Yarn: King Cole Merino Blend DK,
shades (A) 3090 Carnation, (B) 3088
Bayleaf, (C) 855 Mustard, (D) 1531 Pale
Blue, (E) 907 Raspberry, (F) 853 Sage,
(G) 3294 Plum, one 50g ball of each
Hook: 4mm
Button: wooden, large, one; small, two
Tapestry needle

n 4 bobbles x 10 rows
n 10cm x 10cm
n Over pattern
n 4mm hook

5trCL: yoh, insert hook in st, yoh, pull yarn
through (three loops on hook). Yoh, pull
yarn through first two loops (two loops on
hook). Yoh, insert hook in same st, yoh, pull
yarn through (four loops on hook), yoh, pull
yarn through first two loops (three loops
on hook). Yoh, insert hook in same st, yoh,
pull yarn through (five loops on hook),
yoh, pull yarn through first two loops (four
loops on hook). Yoh, insert hook in same st,
yoh, pull yarn through (six loops on hook),
yoh, pull yarn through first two loops (five
loops on hook). Yoh, insert hook in same
st, yoh, pull yarn through (seven loops
on hook), yoh, pull yarn through first two
loops (six loops left on hook). Yoh, pull yarn
through all six loops on hook, make 1ch


King Cole Merino Blend DK is a hugely
versatile pure wool yarn. Projects
can be machine washed and there
are 43 colours to choose from. It
costs £3.40 per 50g (104m) ball from
01562 747458, ohsewcrafty.co.uk

Free download pdf