The “Violins of Hope” exhibit, on view at The
Holocaust Museum and Janet G. and Harvey
D. Cohen Education Center in Naples through
December 31, is a gripping and inspirational
recount of restored violins played by Jewish
musicians during the Holocaust. Looking at
these violins, you can feel the history and
heartache, along with the hope and dignity
these beautiful instruments brought to
musicians. On December 12, Dr. James
Grymes, author of Violins of Hope, will
share personal stories of the history of the
violins and their owners at Temple Shalom.
Then, on December 13, meet Avshalom
Weinstein, the Israeli violin maker who brought
these fragile slices of history back to life, at a
mimosa reception and luncheon at The Ritz-
Carlton, Naples. (holocaustmuseumswfl.org)
Meet the Artist: Art David, Naples Art Associa-
tion, free. (naplesart.org)
Violins of Hope Series: An Evening with Dr.
James Grymes, benefiting The Holocaust Museum
and Janet G. and Harvey D. Cohen Education Cen-
ter, Temple Shalom, Naples, contact for ticket prices.
13 Fun with Forgery, Centers for the Arts Bonita
Springs, $60, reservations required. (artcenterbonita.org)
Santa Paws, Venetian Bay Village, Naples, free.
Violins of Hope Series: Patron Reception and
Luncheon, benefiting The Holocaust Museum and
Janet G. and Harvey D. Cohen Education Center, The
Ritz-Carlton Beach Resort, Naples, contact for ticket
prices. (holocaustmuseumswfl.org)
15 Birds of the Beach, Rookery Bay Field Station,
Naples, $40. (rookerybay.org)
Marco Island Street Parade, San Marco Road,
Marco Island, free. (christmasislandstyle.com)
Naples Christmas Glow 5K Run, Sugden Regional
Park, Naples, $39. (paradisecoast.com)
Winter Fest, Naples Zoo, also Dec. 16 , $13-$22.
16 Zoo Yoga, Naples Zoo, $10. (napleszoo.org)
17 Deck the Depot, Naples Depot Museum, to Dec.
22 , free. (colliermuseums.com)
18 Lunch and Learn Lecture Series: Through
the Eyes of the Pioneer Family, Rookery Bay Envi-
ronmental Learning Center, Naples, $15. (rookerybay.org)
Mosaics Tonight, Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs,
$70, reservations required. (artcenterbonita.org)
19 Corkscrew Beginner Swamp Walk, Cork-
screw Swamp Sanctuary, Naples, $60-$85. (corkscrew.
Silk Painting, Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs,
$70, reservations required. (artcenterbonita.org)
Sunset to Starlight Cruise, Rookery Bay Environ-
mental Learning Center, Naples, also Dec. 21 and 22 ,
$109. (rookerybay.org)
Tea with the Curator, Naples Art Association, free.
21 Birding Basics, Rookery Bay Field Station, Naples,
$40. (rookerybay.org)
22 Gulf Coast Runners Marco 5-Mile Hill Run,
Wesley United Methodist Church, Marco Island, $20.
The Night Before Christmas, read by Naples May-
or Bill Barnett, Naples Historical Society, free. (naples
26 High Points Boat Tour, Rookery Bay Environ-
mental Learning Center, Naples, $109. (rookerybay.org)
31 New Year’s Eve Fireworks, Naples Pier, free.
1 Guitarist Mason Williams, The Boathouse on
Naples Bay, Saturdays through Dec. 30 , free. (boat
Gulf Coast Symphony presents The Nutcrack-
er, Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall, Fort Myers,
$30-$85. (bbmannpah.com)
Jazz artist Chris Sidwell, Hyatt Regency Coconut
Point Resort & Spa, Bonita Springs, Sundays through
Dec. 30 , free. (hyatt.com)
John Ford Coley, Hinman Auditorium, Center for
Performing Arts, Bonita Springs, $35-$45. (artcenter
2 Handel’s Messiah, Hayes Hall, Artis—Naples, tick-
ets start at $29. (artisnaples.org)
Music in the Garden: Paradise Coastmen Bar-
bershop Chorus, Naples Botanical Garden, $10-$15.
Musical Moments: Messiah Sing-a-long, Robert
& Karin Moe Auditorium & Film Center, Center for
Performing Arts, Bonita Springs, $22-$25. (artcenter
Spirit of the Gulf Chorus, Barbara B. Mann Per-
forming Arts Hall, Fort Myers, $20-$30. (bbmann
6 Shaham and Enigma with violinist Gil Sha-
ham, Hayes Hall, Artis—Naples, to Dec. 8 , $29. (artis
7 Home Free: A Country Christmas, Barbara
B. Mann Performing Arts Hall, Fort Myers, $20-$50.
8 Southwest Florida Symphony: Tradition,
Comfort, Joy, Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall,
Fort Myers, $25-$105. (bbmannpah.com)
9 Herb Alpert with Lani Hall and the Manhat-
tan Transfer, Hayes Hall, Artis—Naples, $59-$99.