The Evolution of Operational Art. From Napoleon to the Present

(Tina Meador) #1


Prologue by Professor Sir Michael Howard ix

List of Abbreviations xii

Introduction 1
John Andreas Olsen and Martin van Creveld

  1. Napoleon and the Dawn of Operational Warfare 9
    Martin van Creveld

  2. Prussian–German Operational Art, 1740–1943 35
    Dennis E. Showalter

  3. The Tsarist and Soviet Operational Art, 1853–1991 64
    Jacob W. Kipp

  4. Operational Art and Britain, 1909–2009 96
    Hew Strachan

  5. American Operational Art, 1917–2008 137
    Antulio J. Echevarria II

  6. The Rise and Fall of Israeli Operational Art, 1948–2008 166
    Avi Kober

  7. The Chinese Way of War 195
    Andrew Scobell

Conclusion 222
John Andreas Olsen and Martin van Creveld

Epilogue by General Sir Rupert Smith 226

Notes on Contributors 245

Selected Bibliography 249

Index 259

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