Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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486 Notes

GAOR General Assembly Offi cial Rec ords (UN)
G.A. Res. General Assembly Resolution (UN)
Georgetown L. J. Georgetown Law Journal
German L. J. German Law Journal
Grotius Soc. Trans. Transactions of the Grotius Society
GYBIL German Yearbook of International Law
Harvard Int’l L. J. Harvard International Law Journal
Harvard L. Rev. Harvard Law Review
Hay & M. Hay and Marriott’s Admiralty Reports (Great Britain)
ICC International Criminal Court
ICJ Rep. Reports of the International Court of Justice
ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly
ICTR International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
IDI Annuaire Yearbook of the Institut de Droit International
ILA International Law Association
ILM International Legal Materials
ILR International Law Reports
Int’l Hist. Rev. International History Review
Int’l J. Ethics International Journal of Ethics
Int’l Legal Th eory International Legal Th eory
Int’l L. Q. International Law Quarterly
Int’l Military Trib. International Military Tribunal
Int’l Rel. International Relations
J. Asian Stud. Journal of Asian Studies
J. Comp. Leg. and Int’l L. Journal of Comparative Legislation and International
J. Ec. Hist. Journal of Economic History
JHIL Journal of the History of International Law
J. Hist. Ideas Journal of the History of Ideas
J. Latin Am. Stud. Journal of Latin American Studies
JLE Journal of Law and Economics
J. Military Ethics Journal of Military Ethics
J. Mod. Hist. Journal of Modern History
J. Th eoretical Biology Journal of Th eoretical Biology
L. and Cont. Prob. Law and Contemporary Problems
Leiden J. Int’l L. Leiden Journal of International Law
LN Off. J. League of Nations Offi cial Journal
LNTS League of Nations Treaty Series

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