Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Notes 487

LQR Law Quarterly Review
Miskole J. Int’l L. Miskole Journal of International Law
MLR Modern Law Review
NAS National Academy of Sciences (United States)
Nordic J. Int’l L. Nordic Journal of International Law
NYBIL Netherlands Yearbook of International Law
N.Y. Rev. of Books New York Review of Books
NYU J Int’l L. and Pol. New York University Journal of International Law and
NYULQR New York University Law Quarterly Review
OAU Or ga ni za tion of African Unity
Osgoode Hall L. J. Osgoode Hall Law Journal
Pace Int’l L. Rev. Pace International Law Review
PCIJ Reports of the Permanent Court of International
Pol. Sci. Q. Po liti cal Science Quarterly
Procs. NAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
RdC Recueil des Cours (Hague Academy of International
RDILC Revue de Droit International et de Législation Comparé
Rev. Int’l Stud. Review of International Studies
RGDIP Revue Générale de Droit International Public
RHDFE Revue Historique de Droit Français et Étranger
RIAA Reports of International Arbitral Awards
S.C.R. Supreme Court Reports (Canada)
S.C. Res. Security Council Resolution (UN)
SLS Social and Legal Studies
Stat. Statutes at Large (United States)
TLS Times Literary Supplement
UN Doc. UN document number (offi cial)
UNSWLJ University of New South Wales Law Journal
UNTS United Nations Treaty Series
U. Penn. L. Rev. University of Pennsylvania Law Review
U.S. United States Supreme Court Reports
Wis. Int’l L. J. Wisconsin International Law Journal
Yale J. Int’l L. Yale Journal of International Law
Yale L. J. Yale Law Journal
YB ILC Year Book of the International Law Commission (UN)

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