Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Ullmann, History, 196– 97.

  2. Per venerabilem, September 7, 1202, in Ehler and Morrall, Church and State,
    67– 69. See also Post, Studies, 481– 82; and Ullmann, History, 8– 9.

  3. See Grewe, ed., Fontes, vol. 1, 527.

  4. Ullmann, History, 197– 99; Walter Ulllmann, Law and Politics in the Middle
    Ages: An Introduction to the Sources of Medieval Po liti cal Ideas (London: Hodder and
    Stoughton, 1975), 185– 86; Walter Ullmann, “Th e Development of the Medieval Idea
    of Sovereignty,” 64 Eng. Hist. Rev. 1– 33 (1949), 25– 28; and Canning, “Law, Sover-
    eignty,” 465. For a thorough account of the dispute, see Pennington, Th e Prince and
    the Law, 165 – 201.

  5. See Martines, Power and Imagination, 171– 75.

  6. Ullmann, “Development,” 16– 17.

  7. Quoted in Richard Tuck, Th e Rights of War and Peace: Po liti cal Th ought and
    the International Order from Grotius to Kant (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
    1999), 69.

  8. Hyde, Society and Politics, 186 – 96.

  9. Marsilius of Padua, Th e Defender of Peace: Th e Defensor Pacis, trans. Alan
    Gewirth (New York: Columbia University Press, 1956 [1324]), 34– 37.

  10. Alexander Passerin D’Entrèves, Th e Medieval Contribution to Po liti cal Th ought
    (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1939), 59– 65. See also Chapter 6.

  11. Isidore of Seville, Etymologies, 119. For the text of the Rhodian Code, see Wal-
    tere Ashburner, ed., Th e Rhodian Sea Laws: Edited from the Manuscripts (Ox ford:
    Clarendon Press, 1909).

  12. Harold J. Berman, Law and Revolution: Th e Formation of the Western Legal Tra-
    dition (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983), 340.

  13. Ibid.

  14. Ibid.

  15. For the text, see Stanley Jados, ed., Consulate of the Sea and Related Documents
    (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 1975 [ca. 11th– 13th centuries]).

  16. Ibid., sec. 276, 192– 93.

  17. See Carl J. Kulsrud, Maritime Neutrality to 1780: A History of the Main Princi-
    ples Governing Neutrality and Belligerency to 1780 (Boston: Little, Brown, 1936),
    17– 37.

  18. Grewe, ed., Fontes, vol. 1, 710– 20.

  19. Emmerich de Vattel, Th e Law of Nations; or, Th e Principles of Natural Law
    Applied to the Conduct and to the Aff airs of the Nations and Sovereigns, trans. Charles
    G. Fenwick (Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution, 1916 [1758]), 108– 9.

  20. François L. Ganshof, Th e Middle Ages: A History of International Relations,
    trans. Rémy Inglis Hall (New York: Harper and Row, 1970), 310– 11.

  21. Grewe, ed., Fontes, vol. 1, 692– 93. See also Percy Th omas Fenn Jr, “Origins of the
    Th eory of Territorial Waters,” 20 AJIL 465– 82 (1926), 475– 78.

  22. Ganshof, Middle Ages, 310; and Percy E. Corbett, Law in Diplomacy (Prince ton,
    NJ: Prince ton University Press, 1959), 116– 17.

Notes to Pages 77–82 497

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