Peter Haggenmacher, “On the Doctrinal Origins of Ius in Bello: From Rights of
War to the Laws of War,” in Marauhn and Steiger, eds., Universality and Continuity,
335– 36.
Russell, Just War, 281.
Ibid., 155– 56.
Ibid., 186.
Pierini Belli, A Treatise on Military Matters and Warfare, trans. Herbert C. Nut-
ting (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1936 [1563]), 82.
Norman P. Tanner, Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, vol. 1 (London: Sheed
and Ward, 1990), 203.
For the text of a declaration of war by France against the Holy Roman Empire in
1528, see 4(1) Dumont 503.
On declarations of war, see Nys, Origines, 176 – 87.
Ludwik Ehrlich, “Th e Development of International Law as a Science,” 105 RdC
173– 265 (1962), 188.
See Ernest Nys, “Honoré de Bonet et Christine de Pisan,” 14 RDILC 451– 72
(1882), 452– 55.
See ibid., 456– 57.
Christine de Pisan, Th e Book of Deeds of Arms and of Chivalry, ed. Charity Can-
non Willard; trans. Sumner Willard (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State Univer-
sity Press, 1999 [ca. 1410]), 12– 13.
John of Legnano, Tractatus de Bello, 270.
On the law of ransom, see Belli, Tre a t i s e , 116 – 19.
On the economic aspects of ransoming in medieval warfare, see Bruno S. Frey,
“Prisoners and Property Rights,” 31 JLE 19– 46 (1988).
See Balthasar Ayala, On the Law of War and on the Duties Connected with War
and on Military Discipline, trans. John Pawley Bate (Washington, DC: Carnegie Insti-
tution of Washington, 1912 [1581]), 47.
See Chapter 1.
Ganshof, Middle Ages, 49– 50.
Ibid., 141– 42.
Robert S. Lopez and Irving W. Raymond, Medieval Trade in the Mediterranean
World: Illustrative Documents Translated with Introductions and Notes (London: Ox-
ford University Press, 1955), 323– 24.
For an example, see Grewe, ed., Fontes, vol. 1, 600– 4.
For the text of a letter of marque of 1306, see R. G. Marsden, Documents Relat-
ing to Law and Custom of the Sea, vol. 1 (London: Navy Rec ords Society, 1915),
56– 59.
John of Legnano, Tra c t a t u s , 307– 31.
Bonet, Tre e o f B a t t l e s , 173– 75, 179, 182, 187– 88; and Christine de Pisan, Book of
Deeds, 192– 96.