Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Ganshof, Middle Ages, 313 – 14.

  2. I bid., 151.

  3. England- Florence, Commercial Treaty, Apr. 15, 1490, 3(2) Dumont 247; and
    Burgundy- England, Treaty of Peace and Commerce, Feb. 24, 1496, ibid., 336. See Nys,
    Origines, 75.

  4. See Chapters 5, 6, 9, and 10 for future developments regarding reprisals.

  5. R. G. Marsden, “Early Prize Jurisdiction and Prize Law in En gland,” 24 En glish
    Historical Review 675– 97 (1909), 675.

  6. For the texts of three commissions to privateers granted by the En glish govern-
    ment in 1400– 05, see Marsden, Documents, vol. 1, 111– 15.

  7. New Worlds and Th eir Challenges

  8. On Vitoria, see J. Barthélemy, “François de Vitoria,” in A. Pillet, ed., Les fonda-
    teurs du droit international, 1– 36 (Paris: V. Giard and E. Brière, 1904); and A. de La
    Pradelle, Maîtres et doctrines du droit des gens, 2nd ed. (Paris: Éditions internation-
    ales, 1950), 33– 48.

  9. Letter Vitoria to Miguel de Arcos, Nov. 8, 1534, in Francisco de Vitoria, Po liti cal
    Writings, ed. Anthony Pagden and Jeremy Laurance (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
    sity Press, 1991), 331.

  10. Wilhelm G. Grewe, Th e Epochs of International Law, trans. Michael Byers (Ber-
    lin: Walter de Gruyter, 2000), 135.

  11. See, however, Anver M. Emon, Islamic Natural Law Th eories (Ox ford: Ox ford
    University Press, 2010), which identifi es natural law themes in Muslim law that arose
    in de pen dently of classical Greek or Roman thought.

  12. Antony Black, Th e West and Islam: Religion and Po liti cal Th ought in World Hisotry
    (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), 147– 48.

  13. Haniff Ahamat, “Th e Position of Siyar on Free Trade: A Historico- Legal Analy-
    sis,” 12 JHIL 307– 27 (2010), 308.

  14. Majid Khadduri, ed. and trans., Th e Islamic Law of Nations: Shāybanī’s Siyar (Bal-
    timore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1966 [ca. 805]), 41.

  15. Ibid., 8– 9.

  16. Ibid., 23– 25.

  17. Ibid., 51.

  18. Ibid., 25– 26.

  19. For a copy of this work in En glish, see ibid., 75– 292.

  20. On Eu ro pe an just war doctrine, see Chapter 2.

  21. Quran, sura 48: 29.

  22. Quran, sura 4: 101.

  23. Quran, sura 5: 51, 57.

  24. On Christian- Muslim relations generally, see Hugh Goddard, A History of
    Christian- Muslim Relations (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000).

Notes to Pages 90–96 499

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