Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Arthur P. Whitaker, Th e Western Hemi sphere Idea: Its Rise and Decline (Ithaca,
    NY: Cornell University Press, 1954), 65.

  2. Règlement for the Free Navigation of Rivers, Mar. 24, 1815, 64 CTS 13.

  3. On the various international river commissions, see F. S. L. Lyons, Internation-
    alism in Eu rope 1815– 1914 (Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff , 1963), 53– 64.

  4. Constantinople Convention, Oct. 29, 1888, 171 CTS 241.

  5. See France– Great Britain, Declaration Respecting Egypt and Morocco, Apr. 8,
    1904, 195 CTS 198, art. 6.

  6. Great Britain– U.S.A., Hay- Pauncefort Treaty, Nov. 18, 1901, 190 CTS 215.

  7. Treaty Relative to the Formation of a General Postal Union, Oct. 9, 1874, 147
    CTS 136.

  8. Convention for the Formation of a Universal Postal Union, June 1, 1878, 152
    CTS 235. See also Paul S. Reinsch, “International Unions and Th eir Administration,”
    1 AJIL 579– 623 (1907), 586– 89.

  9. International Telegraphic Convention, May 17, 1865, 130 CTS 198.

  10. See Reinsch, “International Unions,” 582– 85.

  11. Radiotelegraphy Convention, Nov. 3, 1906, 203 CTS 101.

  12. Convention on Collisions at Sea, Sep. 23, 1910, 212 CTS 178; and Convention
    on Assistance and Salvage at Sea, Sep. 23, 1910, 212 CTS 187.

  13. See International Convention on Sugar Bounties, Mar. 5, 1902, 191 CTS 56, art. 7.

  14. Paul S. Reinsch, Public International Unions: Th eir Work and Or ga ni za tion
    (Boston, MA: Ginn, 1911), 4. See also Pitman B. Potter, “Développement de
    l’organisation internationale (1815– 1914),” 64 RdC 71– 156 (1938).

  15. Pitman B. Potter, “Origin of the Term International Or ga ni za tion,” 39 AJIL
    803– 6 (1945), 805– 6.

  16. See J. C. Bluntschli, “Die Organisation des europäischen Staatenvereins”
    (1878), in Gesammelte kleine Schrift en von J. C. Bluntschli, vol. 2, 279– 312 (Nördlin-
    gen: Beck, 1881), 307– 09.

  17. Martens, Tra i t é , vol. 1, 236.

  18. Reinsch, Public International Unions, 2.

  19. Ibid., 141.

  20. Ibid., 2.

  21. Ibid., 5.

  22. Georg Jellinek, Die Lehre von den Staatenverbindungen (Vienna: Alfred Hölder,
    1882), 111.

  23. Ibid., 109.

  24. Ibid., 112.

  25. On so cio log i cal jurisprudence, see generally Wolfgang Friedmann, Legal Th e-
    ory, 5th ed. (London: Stevens and Sons, 1967), 243– 52.

  26. See Zeldin, France 1848– 1945: Politics and Anger, 276– 318.

  27. See, in par tic u lar, Émile Durkheim, Th e Division of Labor in Society, trans.
    George Simpson (New York: Free Press, 1933 [1893]). See also Steven Lukes, Émile

526 Notes to Pages 288–291

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