Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. For criticism of Kaufmann’s ideas from the standpoint of more traditional
    natural law, see Lauterpacht, “Règles générales,” 123– 26.

  2. See, for example, James Brown Scott, Th e Spanish Origin of International Law:
    Francisco de Vitoria and His Law of Nations (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934); and
    James Brown Scott, “Francisco Suárez: His Philosophy of Law and of Sanctions,” 22
    Georgetown L. J. 405– 518 (1934).

  3. J. L. Brierly, Th e Law of Nations: An Introduction to the International Law of
    Peace, 1st ed. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1928), 9.

  4. I bid., 16.

  5. Lauterpacht, “Règles générales,” 164– 66.

  6. Quoted in V. I. Lenin, On the Foreign Policy of the Soviet State (Moscow: Prog-
    ress, 1964), 11– 14.

  7. Ibid., 17.

  8. See ibid., 156– 76; Mintauts Chakste, “Soviet Concepts of the State, Interna-
    tional Law, and Sovereignty,” 43 AJIL 21– 36 (1949), 23– 30; Percy E. Corbett, Law in
    Diplomacy (Prince ton, NJ: Prince ton University Press, 1959), 91– 94. and Zofi a Ma-
    clure, “Soviet International Legal Th eory— Past and Present,” 5 Fletcher Forum 49– 73
    (1981), 49– 54.

  9. T. A. Taracouzio, “Th e Eff ect of Applied Communism on the Principles of In-
    ternational Law,” 28 ASIL Procs. 105– 20 (1934), 107.

  10. Eugene A. Korovin, “Soviet Treaties and International Law,” 22 AJIL 753– 63
    (192 8), 753.

  11. Robert W. Slusser and Jan F. Triska, “Professor Krylov and Soviet Treaties,” 51
    AJIL 766– 70 (1957), 702. On the tie between socialist legal thought and the common
    will approach, particularly that of Triepel, see Grigory Tunkin, “Politics, Law and
    Force in the Interstate System,” 219 RdC 227– 395 (1989), 262– 63.

  12. Ibid., 702.

  13. Ivo Lapenna, Les conceptions soviétiques de droit international public (Paris: A.
    Pedone, 1954), 217– 18.

  14. Hans Kelsen, Th e Communist Th eory of Law (London: Stevens and Sons, 1955)
    156– 57.

  15. Lapenna, Conceptions soviétiques, 71.

  16. See Kelsen, Communist Th eory, 152– 56; John N. Hazard, “Cleansing Soviet In-
    ternational Law of Anti- Marxist Th eories,” 32 AJIL 244– 52 (1938); Corbett, Law in
    Diplomacy, 94– 98; and Lapenna, Conceptions soviétiques, 74– 78, 94– 103.

  17. E. B. Pashukanis, “International Law,” in W. E. Butler, ed., Rus sian Legal Th e-
    ory, 541– 48 (Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1996 [1926– 27]).

  18. Ibid., 550.

  19. Ibid., 545– 46.

  20. Slusser and Triska, “Professor Krylov,” 704– 06, 723.

  21. Hazard, “Cleansing,” 248.

  22. Lapenna, Conceptions soviétiques, 92– 94, 130– 32.

544 Notes to Pages 381–385

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