Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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to the Problems of International Relations, 487– 502 (New York: John Wiley and Sons,
1939), 491.

  1. Ibid., 500.

  2. Edwin M. Borchard, “Th e ‘Enforcement’ of Peace by ‘Sanctions’,” 27 AJIL 518–
    25 (1933).

  3. E. H. Carr, Twenty Years’ Crisis 1919– 1939: An Introduction to the Study of
    International Relations, 2nd ed. (London: Macmillan, 1946), 161.

  4. Georg Schwarzenberger, Power Politics: An Introduction to the Study of Inter-
    national Relations and Post- War Planning (London: Jonathan Cape, 1941), 315.

  5. See 24 ASIL Procs. 95– 114 (1930).

  6. Engel, League Reform, 156– 57.

  7. 1932 LN Off. J. (pt. 1) 384; and Assembly Res., Mar. 11, 1932, LN Off. J., Special
    Supp. No. 101, 87– 88.

  8. Montevideo Convention, Dec. 26, 1933, 165 LNTS 19, art. 11.

  9. ILA, Report of the 38th Conference (1934), 66– 68.

  10. Hersch Lauterpacht, “Th e Pact of Paris and the Budapest Articles of Interpreta-
    tion,” 20 Grotius Soc. Trans. 178– 204 (1934).

  11. Robert H. Jackson, “Address to the Inter- American Bar Association,” 35 AJIL
    348– 59 (1941).

  12. Ibid., 350.

  13. Quincy Wright, “Th e Lend- Lease Bill and International Law,” 35 AJIL 305– 14

  14. Edwin M. Borchard, “War, Neutrality and Non- Belligerency,” 35 AJIL 618– 25

  15. Building Anew

  16. Les Daniels, DC Comics: A Celebration of the World’s Favorite Comic Book Heroes
    (New York: Billboard, 1995), 65.

  17. Th omas Hughes, “Th e Twilight of Internationalism,” 61 Foreign Policy 25– 48
    (1985 – 8 6), 37.

  18. Peter H. Maguire, Law and War: International Law and American History, 2nd
    ed. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010), 108– 9. On the opposition of Lan-
    sing and Scott to the idea at the Paris Peace Conference, see Chapter 9.

  19. Charter of the International Military Tribunal, Aug. 8, 1945, 82 UNTS 279.

  20. See Chapter 9.

  21. Bradley F. Smith, Reaching Judgment at Nuremberg (London: André Deutsch,
    1977), 58– 59; and Ann Tusa and John Tusa, Th e Nuremberg Trial (London: Macmil-
    lan, 1983), 87.

  22. See A. N. Trainin, Hitlerite Responsibility under Criminal Law, ed. A. Y. Vishin-
    ski; trans. Andrew Rothstein (London: Hutchinson, 1945), 42– 46.

546 Notes to Pages 391–397

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