Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. See generally Tae- ho Yoo, Th e Korean War and the United Nations: A Legal and
    Diplomatic Historical Study (Louvain: Institut des Sciences Politiques, 1964). See also
    William Stueck, Th e Korean War: An International History (Prince ton, NJ: Prince ton
    University Press, 1995), which contains much information on the UN’s role in the

  2. G.A. Res. 267 (III) (1948). See also a report by a committee of the General As-
    sembly on the problem: U.N. Doc. A/578 (1949).

  3. Letter Korovin to American Society of International Law, July 24, 1951, 45 AJIL
    780 (1951).

  4. Conditions of Admission (adv. op.), 1948 ICJ Rep. 57.

  5. Competence of the [General] Assembly for Admission (adv. op.), 1950 ICJ Rep.

  6. See Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria, Feb. 10, 1947, 41 UNTS 21, art. 2; Treaty of
    Peace with Hungary, Feb. 10, 1947, 41 UNTS 135, art. 2; and Treaty of Peace with Ro-
    mania, Feb. 10, 1947, 42 UNTS 3, art. 3.

  7. Interpretation of Peace Treaties (Second Phase) (adv. op.), 1950 ICJ Rep. 221.

  8. G.A. Res. 385 (V) (1950).

  9. UN Charter, art. 53(1).

  10. Evan Luard, A History of the United Nations, vol. 2 (New York: Macmillan,
    1989), 387– 91.

  11. Sergei Kovalev, “Sovereignty and International Duties of Socialist Countries,”
    Pravda, Sep. 25, 1968; translated and reprinted in 7 ILM 1323– 25 (1968). See also Rob-
    ert A. Jones, Th e Soviet Concept of “Limited Sovereignty” from Lenin to Gorbachev: Th e
    Brezhnev Doctrine (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990), 153– 73.

  12. John N. Hazard, “Renewed Emphasis upon a Socialist International Law,” 65
    AJIL 142– 48 (1971), 143.

  13. See Chapter 9.

  14. Hazard, “Renewed Emphasis,” 144– 46.

  15. Kovalev, “Sovereignty.”

  16. On the solidarist aspects of the Brezhnev Doctrine, see Jones, Soviet Concept of
    “Limited Sovereignty,” 125– 34.

  17. George P. Shultz, Turmoil and Triumph: My Years as Secretary of State (New
    York.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1993), 1129.

  18. Jeane J. Kirkpatrick and Allan Gerson, “Th e Reagan Doctrine, Human Rights,
    and International Law,” in Louis Henkin et al., Right v. Might: International Law and
    the Use of Force (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1991), 20.

  19. See Chapter 7.

  20. Kirkpatrick and Gerson, “Reagan Doctrine,” 21.

  21. Military and Paramilitary Activities (Nicaragua v. U.S.A.) (Merits), 1986 ICJ
    Rep. 14, paras. 206– 9.

  22. Ibid., para. 206.

  23. Ibid., para. 207.

548 Notes to Pages 404–410

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