Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Ibid., 419.

  2. Ibid., 420.

  3. Michel Virally, “Panorama du droit international contemporain: Cours général
    de droit international public,” 183 RdC 9– 382 (1983), 180– 86.

  4. See, for example, American Law Institute, Restatement of the Foreign Relations
    Law of the United States Th ird (St. Paul, MN: ALI, 1987), § 102, comment d, 25– 26.

  5. See Ian Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, 7th ed. (Oxford: Oxford
    University Press, 2008), 11.

  6. Asylum Case (Peru v. Colombia), 1950 ICJ Rep. 266, 277– 78; and Anglo-
    Norwegian Fisheries Case (Great Britain v. Norway), 1951 ICJ Rep. 116, 131. For un-
    equivocal support by an individual World Court judge, see opinion of Judge Lachs, in
    North Sea Continental Shelf Cases (West Germany v. Netherlands, Denmark), 1969
    ICJ Rep. 3, 229.

  7. Serge Krylov, “Les notions principales du droit des gens: La doctrine soviétique
    du droit international,” 70 RdC 407– 76 (1947).

  8. Grigory Tunkin, “Politics, Law and Force in the Interstate System,” 219 RdC
    227– 395 (1989), 258.

  9. Krylov, “Notions principales,” 435.

  10. Alexander Yankov, in Cassese and Weiler, eds., Change and Stability, 114.

  11. Institute of State and Law (Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.), International
    Law: A Textbook for Use in Law Schools, ed. F. I. Kozhevnikov; trans. Dennis Ogden
    (Moscow: Progress, 1962).

  12. Ibid., 55.

  13. Ibid., 57.

  14. Ibid.

  15. V. I. Lisovsky, International Law (Kiev: Kiev University Press, 1955); quoted by
    John N. Hazard, in 51 AJIL 135– 36 (1957), 135.

  16. Whiteman, Digest, vol. 5, 834– 36.

  17. Institute of State and Law, International Law, 402.

  18. Quincy Wright, “Legal Positivism and the Nuremberg Judgment,” 42 AJIL
    405– 14 (1948), 414.
    12 7. I b i d. , 4 0 7.

  19. Ibid.

  20. Lauterpacht, “International Protection,” 103– 4.

  21. Ibid., 105.

  22. See Chapter 11, on critical legal studies.

  23. See generally Alejandro Álvarez, Le droit international nouveau dans ses rapports
    avec la vie actuelle des peuples (Paris: Pedone, 1959).

  24. Dissenting opinion of Judge Álvarez in Status of South West Africa (adv. op.),
    1950 ICJ Rep. 128, 175.

  25. Dissenting opinion of Judge Álvarezin Competence of [General] Assembly
    Regarding Admissions to the United Nations (adv. op.), 1950 ICJ Rep. 4, 12.

Notes to Pages 418–425 551
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