Abu Yusuf, 95
Academy of International Law. See Hague
Academy of International Law
Acosta, José de, 125
Ad hoc judges, 354– 355, 464
Admiralty courts, 206, 212– 213, 229
Advisory Committee of Jurists, 353,
Advisory opinions (of the World Court),
355–357, 405– 407, 437– 438, 442– 443
Aerial warfare. See War, conduct of
Af ghan i stan, 440
African Charter on Human and Peoples’
Rights, 447
African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights, 447
African Court on Human and Peoples’
Rights, 447
African Union (AU), 471, 477
Aggression: by Germany in World War I,
349; as an international crime, 395, 398,
399, 402, 403, 432, 448, 450, 470
Ago, Roberto, 414, 415– 416
Agricultural theory, 128– 129
Alanus Anglicus, 58, 65
Albania, 360, 410– 411
Alberdi, Juan Bautista, 287– 288, 294, 297,
306, 307
Alberic of Rosate, 89
Alcorta, Amancio, 307
Alexander I (of Yugo slavia), 362
Alexander III, Pope, 58
Alexander VI, Pope, 110
Alexander the Great, 10, 35, 44,
Alfonso IX (of Leốn), 55, 150
Aliens, treatment of, 273– 274, 277, 352,
- See also Calvo Clause; Calvo
Doctrine; Human rights; International
minimum standard; Nationalization of
Alliances: in Sumer, 14; as basis of Roman
Empire, 31; Egypt and Hittites, 36– 37;
Poland and Lithuania, 104; by states of
the Holy Roman Empire, 139; Christian-
pagan, 144, 150– 151, 316; France and
Spain, 207; anti- Boxer, 337; UN, 394, 400
Allott, Philip, 465– 466
Aloaçoves, Treaty of, 109– 110
Altamira, Rafael, 356
Altruism, parochial. See Parochial
Álvarez, Alejandro, 291– 292, 302, 306, 310,
374, 375, 401, 415, 425, 431, 455
Amalfi an, 81
Aman, 99
Ambrose of Milan, 55
American Bar Association, 404
American Society of International Law,
274, 307, 381, 392, 405; founding of, 302
Amin, Idi, 473
Anarchism, 321
Ancus Marcius, 32
Antonio de Montesinos, 121
Anzilotti, Dionisio, 232, 234– 236, 246,
284, 302, 306, 348, 355, 356, 365,
368– 369, 401
Apastamba, 17
Aquinas, Th omas, 61, 62, 66, 72, 78, 83,
92– 93, 101, 154, 160 166, 167, 168, 184,
245– 246, 379
Aragon, 58