Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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610 Index

Franck, Th omas, 452– 453, 458, 473
Fraternity Decree, 208
Frederick I, Emperor, 75– 76
Frederick II (of Prus sia), 183
Frederick II, Emperor, 50– 51, 55, 56– 57,
Freedom of the air, rejection of, 361
Freedom of the seas, 361; Grotius on,
133– 134, 135, 204; opposition to,
134– 135; Bynkershoek on, 192;
Bluntschli on, 266– 267. See also Law of
the sea; Territorial waters
Freedom of trade: natural- law right of,
134; liberalism and, 270– 273, 371; and
globalization, 467
“Free ships make free goods” doctrine,
202– 203, 207, 319– 320. See also
Freitas, Serafi m de, 134
French Revolution, 205, 206– 210, 221, 285,
286, 364
Friedmann, Wolfgang, 343, 374, 389, 425,
427, 451
Fukuyama, Francis, 452
Funck- Brentano, Th éophile, 217, 229– 230
Functionalism, 285, 288– 289, 374, 377, 429,

  1. See also International organiza-
    tions; Solidarism
    Fundamental rights of states, 245– 247, 249,
    274, 285; opposition to, 246, 375. See also
    Positivism (general): mainstream;
    Principle of freedom

Gaius, 45, 47
Gaps in the law, 248, 266, 322, 460. See also
Codifi cation of international law;
Contractual character: of customary
international law
GATT. See General Agreement on Tariff s
and Trade
Gautama, 17
General Agreement on Tariff s and Trade,
411, 445– 446. See also World Trade
O r g a n i z a t i o n
General Postal Union, 288– 289
Geneva Conventions, 320, 324, 361,
402– 403, 443, 469, 470; grave breaches

of, 409; Additional Protocols (1977), 435.
See also War crimes
Genocide, 343, 402, 432, 445, 448– 450,
470, 475. See also Genocide Convention
Genocide Convention, 402, 404, 445, 448.
See also Genocide
Gentili, Alberico, 149, 163, 469
German Confederation, 198. See also
German Society of International Law, 302
Germany: medieval, 50, 53, 56; early
modern, 139, 183, 193– 194; in the
nineteenth century, 232, 236, 237, 238,
285, 287, 305, 324, 336; in the interwar
period, 344, 345– 346, 348, 349– 351,
356– 357, 358, 360, 363, 364, 380, 386,
387– 390, 394; post–World War II, 395,
397– 398, 415, 444, 454, 456. See also
German Confederation; Holy Roman
Empire; Nuremberg Trials
Gide, Charles, 291
Gierke, Otto von, 237, 239
Giles of Rome, 101
Global administrative law, 458, 466.
See also Constitutionalism
Globalization, 467– 468. See also Freedom
of trade; Liberalism; Solidarism
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 443
Gratian, 83
Great Britain, 208, 211– 212, 246– 247, 272,
288, 298– 299, 306, 307– 308, 312,
312– 313, 316, 317, 318, 320, 329, 335 – 336,
347, 358, 390, 392, 397, 400. See also
En gland; Scotland
Greece: ancient, 7– 8, 13, 25– 31, 33– 34, 35,
42– 44, 75, 78, 117, 193, 311, 328; modern,
278, 335– 336, 347– 348, 356, 360
Grégoire, Henri, 208– 210
Gregory VII, Pope, 56, 58
Gregory IX, Pope, 55
Gros, André, 397
Grotian school, 170 – 173, 178, 180, 182, 183,
184, 191, 199, 221, 262– 264, 265, 309;
and empirical variant of positivism, 226,
227– 228. See also Naturalist school
Grotius, Hugo, 139, 141, 143, 144, 147, 153,
167, 184, 191, 195, 219, 256– 257, 258, 262,
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