Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 611

305, 314, 381; on freedom of the seas,
132– 134, 134– 135, 204; on alliances with
pagans, 151; on natural law, 160, 174; on
the voluntary law of nations, 160– 163,
186, 187, 247– 248; on war, 163– 165;
impact of, 165– 166, 175, 188, 192; and
the Grotian school, 170– 173 passim;
criticism of, 177. See also Grotian school;
Naturalist school
Grundnorm. See Basic norm (Vienna
Guatemala, 116, 275, 333
Guillaume, Gilbert, 470– 471
Gürke, Norbert, 388
Gustavus Adolphus, 143, 159, 184

Hague Academy of International Law, 364,
378, 388, 414, 420, 423, 451– 452, 453
Hague Conventions, 324– 325, 327– 328.
See also Hague Peace Conferences;
International Prize Court, proposed;
Permanent Court of Arbitration
Hague Peace Conferences, 300, 324, 344;
First, 217– 218, 323– 325, 330; Second,
319, 325– 328, 332– 333, 338
Hague Rules. See War, conduct of
Haiti, 444– 445
Hall, William Edward, 224, 229, 246, 311,
351, 365
Halleck, Henry W., 263, 308, 323
Hanafi te School, 95– 96, 98
Hanseatic League, 207
Harcourt, William, 307
Hardin, Garrett, 455– 456
Haroun al- Rashid, 95, 96
Harrison, Benjamin, 307– 308
Hart, H. L. A., 371
Harvard Research project, 363– 364
Hattusilis III (Hittite ruler), 36
Hautefeuille, Laurent- Basile, 263
Hefft er, August, 228, 239, 246, 304, 307
Hegel, Georg Friedrich, 236– 237, 238, 452.
See also Neo- Hegelianism
Henkin, Louis, 423
Henry IV, Emperor, 56, 57– 58
Henry VII, Emperor, 77
Henry of Portugal, Prince, 107, 109

Henry of Segusio. See Hostiensis
Herder, Gottfried, 280
Hermogenian, 47– 48, 63, 64
Herodotus, 26– 27, 30, 36
Hershey, Amos S., 292
Hesiod, 7
Higgins, Rosalyn, 464
Hirohito, Emperor, 399
Historical school, 237, 263, 265, 267, 268;
and voluntarist variant of positivism,
237, 253; hostility to natural law, 237,
279; affi nity to positivism, 244, 251,
279– 280; and nationality school,
279– 280; and solidarism, 293; and
Nazism, 387
Hitler, Adolf, 387, 395
Hittites, 15
Hobbes, Th omas, 62, 166– 170, 173, 174,
175, 181, 188, 235, 236, 242, 246, 250,
261, 417
Holland, T. E., 149, 332
Holy Roman Empire, 50– 51, 52, 94, 139,
188, 190, 193, 208; and Italian com-
munes, 75– 77
Honduras, 275, 325, 333, 409– 410
Honorius III, Pope, 58, 131
Hostages, 18, 86. See also Tehran hostages
Hostiensis, 101
Hudson, Manley O., 348, 356, 363,
371– 372, 377, 401, 415, 423, 451
Huerta, Victoriano, 275
Hughes, Charles Evans, 355– 356
Humanitarian intervention, 124– 125, 164,
245, 278– 279, 282– 283, 296– 297,
472– 474
Human rights: and natural law, 69; and
treaties of amity and commerce, 202;
liberalism and, 218, 273– 274, 279, 344,
371, 414, 422– 424; UN and, 396,
402– 404, 411– 412, 464; and post- World
War II peace treaties, 406; criticism of,
421, 456, 461; solidarism and, 425,
428– 429, 430, 452, 457; case law on,
446– 447; regional initiatives, 447;
feminism and, 462– 463; and national
traditions, 467; and universal jurisdiction,
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