Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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612 Index

Human rights (continued)
470, 471. See also Aliens, treatment of;
Humanitarian intervention; Human-
rights conventions; Impunity;
Minorities, protection of; Racial
equality; Refugees; Self- determination;
Women, posit ion of
Human Rights Committee, 412, 446– 447
Human- rights conventions, 403– 404,
446– 447, 462; Convention on the Status
of Refugees, 403; Covenant on Civil and
Po liti cal Rights, 411– 412, 423– 424, 436,
446– 447; Convention against Torture,
447, 470
Humboldt, Alexander von, 263
Hume, David, 226, 271
Humphrey, John P., 402
Hungary, 131, 359– 360, 406– 407. See also
Austria- Hungary
Hurst, Cecil, 325, 347, 355, 356
Hybrid tribunals, 475

Ibn Rushd. See Aver roes
I.C.J. See International Court of Justice
(World Court)
Immunity, diplomatic, 472; violations of, 9,
20, 335, 441– 442; Kautilya on, 16; Suárez
on, 157– 158; Zouche on, 171, 191– 192;
Grégoire on, 209; Institute of Interna-
tional Law on, 323; International Law
Commission on, 413
Immunity of government offi cials, 472,
474– 475
Immunity of states from execution
mea sures, 338
Imperialism: in the New World, 92– 93,
107– 131; in the Indian Ocean world,
131– 135; in the nineteenth century,
318 – 319, 321. See also Capitulations;
Crusades; Extraterritoriality; In e qual ity
of states; Mixed courts, Egyptian
Imperium, 204– 205
Impunity, 474– 475. See also International
criminal law
Incan Empire, 92, 107, 114, 124– 125
India: ancient, 13, 15– 17, 37– 38; modern,
344, 433, 473

Indian Ocean world, 8, 111, 131– 132
Indians: Chichimec, 114; Delaware, 130
Mohegan, 130. See also Aztec Empire;
Incan Empire
Indonesia, 344, 433
In e qual ity of states: Confucianism and,
21– 22, 39– 41, 59– 60; ancient Greece
and, 27, 35; in the nineteenth century,
251– 252 , 299 – 30 0, 311, 315 – 317, 375.
See also Barbarian states; Civilized
states; Equality of states, principle of;
Extraterritoriality; Savage states;
Treaties (general): unequal
Infi dels, alliances with. See Alliances,
Christian- pagan
Innocent III, Pope, 55– 56, 57, 77
Innocent IV, Pope, 50– 51, 55, 56– 57,
101, 102, 104, 113, 116, 124, 144, 251,
Innocent X, Pope, 139
Institute for International Law (Kiel),
305, 389
Institute of International Law, 279, 312,
313– 314, 324; founding of, 301; and
codifi cation, 323
Institute of International Relations
(Moscow), 419– 420
Institute of State and Law, 408, 421, 422
Inter- American Court of Human Rights,
423, 447
International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development. See World Bank
International Center for the Settlement
of Investment Disputes, 446
International Commission for Air
Navigation, 361
International Committee of the Red Cross.
See Red Cross, International Committee
of the
International community. See Community,
International Court of Justice (World
Court), 396, 401, 407, 410– 411, 412, 419,
422, 425, 427– 428, 431, 464; and Cold
War, 405– 407; increased activity of,
440– 444. See also International Court
of Justice (World Court) cases
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