Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 613

International Court of Justice (World
Court) cases: Nuclear Weapons, 400,
442– 443; Conditions of Admission,
405– 406; Competence of the [General]
Assembly for Admission, 406, 425;
Interpretation of the Peace Treaties,
406– 407, 425; Military Activities in
Nicaragua, 409– 410, 442; Corfu Channel,
410– 411; Certain Expenses of the UN,
411; Namibia, 411; Status of South West
Africa, 411; Reservations to the Genocide
Convention, 413– 414, 455; Anglo-
Norwegian Fisheries, 419; Asylum, 419;
Barcelona Traction, 432; We ste r n
Sahara, 436; East Timor, 436; Conse-
quences of the Wall, 436, 443; Unilateral
Declaration of In de pen dence of Kosovo,
437– 438; Tehran Hostages, 441– 442;
Continental Shelf (Libya/Malta), 441;
Continental Shelf (Libya/Tunisia), 441;
Gulf of Maine, 441; Congo v. Uganda,
442; Genocide (Bosnia v. Serbia), 445;
Genocide (Bosnia v. Croatia), 445; Arrest
War rant, 470– 471, 472; Use of Force
(Serbia v. NATO States), 474
International courts and tribunals, ad hoc.
See Arbitration; Arbitration (cases);
International Center for the Settlement
of Investment Disputes; Nuremberg
Trials; Permanent Court of Arbitration;
Rwanda Crimes Tribunal; Tokyo Trials;
Yu go slav ia Cr i me s Tr ibu na l
International courts and tribunals, standing.
See African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights; African Court on Human
and Peoples’ Rights; Eu ro pe an Court of
Human Rights; Inter- American Court
of Human Rights; International Court of
Justice (World Court); International
Criminal Court; International Tribunal
for the Law of the Sea; Permanent Court
of International Justice (World Court)
International Criminal Court, 440,
448– 451, 464; early proposals for, 362,
403; backlash against, 474– 478. See also
Rome Statute; Rwanda Crimes Tribunal;
Yu go slav ia Cr i me s Tr ibu na l

International criminal law. See Aggression;
Crimes against humanity; Genocide;
International Criminal Court; Nurem-
berg Trials; Rome Statute; Rwanda
Crimes Tribunal; Tokyo Trials;
Yu go slav ia Cr i me s Tr ibu na l
International Criminal Tribunal for
Rwanda. See Rwanda Crimes Tribunal
International Criminal Tribunal for
Yu go slav ia. See Yugo slavia Crimes
Tribu na l
International Labor Or ga ni za tion, 356,
375, 396, 425
International Labour Offi ce, 289
“International law” (expression), 158, 163,
1 81, 210– 211, 237– 238; ius inter gentes,

  1. See also Ius gentium; “Law of
    nations” (expression); Transnational law,
    concept of
    International law, teaching of, 304– 305
    International law as a profession, 299,
    300– 303, 308, 339
    International Law Association, 301, 412;
    on the Pact of Paris, 393– 394
    International Law Commission, 401,
    412– 414, 440, 457, 464
    International- law spectrum, 180– 182, 183,
    184, 194, 213, 221
    International Maritime Committee, 289
    International minimum standard,
    273– 274; opposition to, 276– 277.
    See also Aliens, treatment of; Calvo
    Clause; Calvo Doctrine
    International Monetary Fund, 396, 464
    “International or ga ni za tion” (expression),
    coining of, 289
    International organizations: nineteenth
    century, 288– 289; interwar period, 377;
    post– World War II, 396, 457, 458, 464.
    See also Constitutionalism; Functional-
    ism; Solidarism
    International Prize Court, proposed, 332,
    International Radiographic Union, 289
    International relations, discipline of,
    371– 372. See also Realism: in
    international- relations theory

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