Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 621

of positivism; Empirical variant of
positivism; Neo- Hegelianism; Neo-
Kantianism; Positive law; Positive
philosophy; Pragmatist writers of the
seventeenth and eigh teenth centuries;
Sovereignty, state; Vienna School;
Voluntarist variant of positivism
Posner, Eric, 467– 468
Potter, Pitman B., 377, 421, 451, 458
Pound, Roscoe, 165
Pradier- Fodéré, Paul, 306
Praetor peregrinus, Roman, 46
Pragmatist writers of the seventeenth and
eigh teenth centuries, 179, 182, 189– 201,
212, 213, 309; and empirical variant of
positivism, 221, 226, 227– 228; and
socialist thought, 385. See also Empirical
variant of positivism
Prescription as basis of title, 126, 133, 134
“Primitive law,” 263, 264. See also Natural
Principle of freedom, 249, 254– 255, 366
Prisoners of war, 192, 299, 435; and
just- war doctrine, 71; medieval practice
regarding, 85– 86; enslavement of, 118,
153, 157; Geneva Convention (1925),
362; Geneva Convention (1949), 402– 403
Privateering, 90– 91; abolition of, 320.
See also Letters of marque
Prize courts, 81– 82, 91, 191. See also
International Prize Court, proposed;
Prize law
Prize law, 133, 314, 323
Property, capture of, in war, 90, 165,
191– 192, 207; in just- war doctrine, 70,
71– 72, 157, 165; at sea, 202– 203, 207, 328.
See also Reprisals
Protectorates, 318, 336. See also In e qual ity
of states; Quasi- sovereignty
Proxenoi, 27
Prus sia, 177, 189, 193. See also Germany
Public ser vice by international lawyers,
305– 308. See also Diplomatic ser vice by
international lawyers; Foreign ministry
legal advisers
Pufendorf, Samuel, 175– 177, 181, 182– 183,
184, 185, 188, 192, 197, 232, 245, 465

“Pure theory of law,” 369, 374, 376. See also
Kelsen, Hans; Vienna School
Qaddafi , Muammar, 451, 478
Quadri, Rolando, 426
Quasi- sovereig nt y, 30 0, 318 – 319. See also
Extraterritoriality; In e qual ity of states
Quesnay, François, 270
Quidort, Jean. See John of Paris
Quran, 95, 96, 98
Rachel, Samuel, 171– 173, 175, 305
Racial equality, and League of Nations
Covenant, 352– 353
Racial theories. See Nazis; Vo l k s t a a t
Radbruch, Gustav, 389
Ramses II, 36
Rationalist writers of the seventeenth and
eigh teent h centuries, 179, 180 – 189,
189– 190, 195, 290, 369, 385. See also
Grotian school; Naturalist school;
Natural law; Pragmatist writers of the
seventeenth and eigh teenth centuries
Rawls, John, 453
Raymond of Peñaforte, 68, 83
Raymond of Toulouse, 56
Reagan Doctrine, 407, 409– 410
Realism, 16, 24, 28; in international-
relations theory, 392, 428– 429
Real personality of the state, 237, 246,
253; criticism of, 291, 370, 375. See also
Voluntarist variant of positivism
Rechtsstaat theory, 240– 242, 276, 387.
See also Autolimitation theory
Reciprocity, 318, 365; Confucianism and,
21– 22; in Roman treaties, 31; in game
theory, 35– 36; Kant on, 189; and
Neo- Kantianism, 241, 242– 243,
261– 262, 276; Strupp on, 365. See also
Justice, sense of
Reconquista, 100, 113
Recuperatio theory, 102
Red Cross, International Committee of
the, 320, 354, 361, 402– 403
Refugees, 403; UN High Commissioner
for, 464
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