Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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622 Index

Reinsch, Paul S., 289– 290, 377, 458
Renault, Louis, 291, 303, 306, 308– 310, 324,
325, 326– 327, 328, 330, 347
Reparations, German, 345, 349, 357
Reprisals: medieval, 88– 90, 91; Grotius on,
162– 163; restrictions on, 202; in the
nineteenth century, 231, 334, 335– 336,
377; in the interwar period, 345; under
the UN Charter, 400
Requerimiento, 113 – 114, 115, 116, 118,
Res nullius, 128
Rhodesia, Southern. See Southern
Rhodian Code, 81
Ricardo, David, 271
Richard I (of En gland), 86
Rivier, Alphonse, 230, 253, 306, 351
Rolin- Jaequemyns, Édouard, 324, 325, 347,
349, 356
Rolin- Jaequemyns, Gustav, 297, 300– 301,
306, 307
Roman Empire, 31, 53, 94. See also Holy
Roman Empire
Romania, 359, 360, 406– 407
Roman law, 31, 75, 89, 204; ius gentium in,
44– 49, 60, 63, 64, 65, 80, 155– 156, 171,
175; and ius commune, 73; title to
property in, 111, 129– 130; freedom of
the seas in, 132
Rome, ancient, 7– 8, 13. See also Roman
Rome Statute, 450, 464, 475, 478. See also
International Criminal Court
Roncaglia, Diet of, 75
Roo se velt, Eleanor, 402
Roo se velt, Franklin D., 302, 377, 393– 394
Root, Elihu, 273, 302, 307, 337, 362– 363
Rosas, Manuel, 228– 229
Rosellis, Antonio de, 108
Rougier, Antoine, 297
Rousseau, Jean- Jacques, 236, 237, 426
Rufi nus the Canonist, 65
Ruhr, occupation of the, 345
Rus sia, 298. See also Soviet Union
Rutherforth, Th omas, 177– 178
Rwanda, 442, 470

Rwanda Crimes Tribunal, 449– 450;
Statute of, 464
Rymer, Th omas, 190
Safe- conducts, 192, 476. See also Aman;
Sancho II (of Portugal), 57
Sanctions: supernatural, 15; war as, 29;
ecclesiastical, 55– 56, 106, 109, 110, 150;
and positivism, 79, 224, 231, 232, 252,
253, 254, 379; and nationality school,
282; state practice in the nineteenth
century, 334– 337; and League of
Nations, 352, 390, 391– 393; Vienna
School on, 368, 369; and human rights,
403; and socialism, 426, 429– 430,
453, 461; by UN Security Council,
444– 445. See also Budapest Articles
of Interpretation; “Non- belligerency,”
U.S. policy of
San Martín, José de, 263
Saragossa, Treaty of, 110
Sauvy, Alfred, 433
Savage states, 261, 311– 312 , 318 – 319,
432– 433. See also Barbarian states;
Civilized states; In e qual ity of states
Savigny, Friedrick Carl von, 237, 265, 280.
See also Historical school
Schindler, Dietrich, 374
Schücking, Walther, 339, 348, 356, 362,
363, 387, 389
Schwarzenberger, Georg, 392, 398, 415,
416, 420, 451
Scotland, 58, 85. See also Great Britain
Scott, James Brown, 302, 325, 327, 347, 349,
350, 381
Scott, William (Lord Stowell), 212– 213,
Secession, 437. See also Self- determination
Security Council, UN, 400, 406, 407, 411,
454, 474; in Korean crisis, 404;
post–Cold War, 444– 445; and Yugo-
slavia and Rwanda Crimes Tribunals,
448; and International Criminal Court,
450– 451, 475, 477– 478. See also United
Nations (UN)
Selden, John, 134– 135
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