Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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624 Index

Sovereignty, state (continued)
Doctrine; Equality of states, principle of;
Fundamental rights of states; Positivism
(general): mainstream; Reagan
Doctrine; Rechtsstaat theory
Soviet Union, 344, 363, 397, 400, 403, 404,
405, 407, 408– 409, 419– 420, 440,
443– 444, 452. See also Brezhnev
Doctrine; Cold War; Socialist countries;
Socialist views of international law
Spanish Sahara, 436
Spazio vitale doctrine, 388– 389
Spencer, Herbert, 11
Spheres of infl uence, 319, 407
Spirito, Ugo, 386
Srebrenica massacre, 445, 449. See also
Crimes against humanity; Genocide
Sri Lanka. See Ceylon
Stalin, Josef, 395, 412
Stalinism, 385, 403
State responsibility, law of, 414
State sovereignty. See Sovereignty, state
Stein, Lorenz von, 289, 290, 308, 458
Stimson, Henry, 393, 397
Stimson Doctrine, 393
Stoics and stoicism, 42– 44, 45, 46, 60,
61– 62, 64, 265, 267, 268, 465
Stone, Julius, 425
Stowell, Ellery, 325– 326
Stowell, Lord. See Scott, William
Strupp, Karl, 302, 365– 366, 389
St.- Simon, Henri de, 286– 287, 289, 297
St.- Simonism, 288, 289, 377, 424, 427, 458
Suárez, Francisco, 141, 144, 147, 153– 158,
159, 160, 161, 162, 163– 164, 165, 166, 172,
186, 247– 248, 381
Substitution theory (of ius gentium), 63,
65– 66, 66– 67, 148, 152, 154, 185– 186.
See also Dualist theories: of ius gentium;
Emanationist theory (of ius gentium)
Sudan, 451, 475
Suez Canal, 288
Sumer, 13– 14
Supreme state (of Wolff ), 186– 187, 188, 197,
Su z era i nt y, 318 – 319. See also Quasi-

Sweden, 139, 159, 175, 316, 356
Switzerland, 207, 289, 326
Systematic jurisprudence, 140– 141, 159,
205, 322. See also Natural law
Tactics, prohibited: employment of
assassins, 198; launching projectiles
from balloons, 325, 327
Taiwan expedition, 315
Takahashi Sakuyei, 315
Tanzania, 447, 449, 473
Taylor, Charles, 475
Tehran hostages incident, 441– 442, 446
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 465– 466
Territorial waters: in medieval Eu rope,
82; in early modern Eu rope, 203– 205;
Chinese, 313; Institute of International
Law on, 323; in interwar period, 363;
post–World War II, 413, 441
Territory, title to. See Title to territory,
legal bases of
Terrorism, 443, 469; draft convention on
(1937), 362. See also Anarchism
Teutonic Knights, 103– 105
Textor, Johann Wolfgang, 173, 199
Th addeus of Suessa, 50
Th ailand. See Siam
Th eodore, Emperor, 336– 337
Th eodosius I, Emperor, 55
Th ucydides, 27– 28
Tibet, 40, 472
Title to territory, legal bases of: papal
g ra nts, 112– 115; just wa rs, 115 – 117;
natural- slavery theory, 117– 110;
Dilatatio theory, 119– 124; humanitarian
intervention, 124– 125; prescription,
126, 133, 134; conquest, 129; cession,
129– 131
Tobar, Carlos R., 274– 275, 348. See also
To b a r D o c t r i n e
Tobar Doctrine, 275, 277– 278, 333
Tokyo Trials, 399– 400, 402, 440, 468. See
also Nuremberg Trials
Toledo, Francisco de, 124– 125
Tomke, Peter, 440
Tomuschat, Christian, 454
Tönnies, Ferdinand, 272
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