Quiltmaker #193 • QuiltingDaily.com 15
What is your best tip for making this
Have fun and give consideration to
the technical aspects of the quilt. I
designed the blocks at 15'' and would
have gone to 18'' had I realized that
the last block would be a bit chal-
lenging to piece. That said, I do love a
good challenge!
Is there anything interesting you
would like to tell us about your expe-
rience designing this quilt?
Two things: First, designing quilts is
fun. Design just for the love of doing
it. The quilt doesn't ever need to be
made, simply design. Second, design-
ing the machine quilting was fun. I
don't plan the quilting ahead of time,
but seeing what happens in that pro-
cess is amazing.
Visit Teri's website,
terifi creations.com for more
information about Teri and her quilts.