St it ch H a rm o n y p ro v i d e s
bala nced stitches to ma ke
my projects look like the pros.
Knowing I made my
quilt from sta rt to
finish is a great feeling.
I love the f lexibility
of being a ble to sit or
sta nd while I quilt.
Quilt your way, every day! The speedy, versatile Regent makes it
easy to create large or small projects while you quilt standing up
or sitting down. Regent also includes a table with the new Stitch
Harmony™ Stitch Regulator built right in! Use it for perfectly-
balanced stitches or go hands-on for complete control. It’s the
ideal longarm quilting machine for any sewing room.
It’s how you quilt.
I don’t have mu ch
space, but I love making
big projects, so this
machine is perfect! Ba