Quiltmaker - CA (2020-05 & 2020-06)

(Antfer) #1

Quiltmaker #193• QuiltingDaily.com 59

Use with Caution - Bed Sheets

For decades newbie quilters have tried (and often

failed) using bed sheets as backing. It seems like a

no-brainer—they are the perfect size, come in plenty of

colors and patterns, right? Back in the day of hand

quilting, imagine getting your layers basted and, on the

frame, only to fi nd that your beautiful quilting stitch

was being thwarted by the signature tight weave of a

500 thread-count top sheet. Since most quilting these

days is being done by machine, quilters once again are

trying their hand at using bedsheets and still having

similar issues. Even with machine quilting, the needle

has a hard time penetrating the tight weave of a sheet,

and sheets shrink at a diff erent rate than quilting

cotton so you may get unsightly puckers. If you are

trying to be “green” and want eco-friendly options for

your quilting, then reusing a vintage sheet might be

perfect. However, this may not be a backing you want

to use on a quilt that you spent a lot of time making or

want to enter into a show. Here are some tips if you

absolutely must use a sheet:

  • Use the best quality sheets you can fi nd.
    Inexpensive sheets sometimes shrink unevenly.

  • Wash it fi rst to shrink it as much as possible.
    Sheets shrink at a diff erent rate than quilting
    cotton, and you want to avoid unsightly puckers.

  • Open up all seams on the sheet prior to basting/
    loading the quilt on the frame.

  • Note that needle holes may not disappear if you
    make a mistake.

Whatis themostunusualfabricyou
haveusedfora quiltback?

I usedterryclothononesoI couldtake
it tothebeacheasily.I quiltedin a big
crosshatchandit workedgreat.It wore
surewhateverhappenedtoit. Biggest
struction.Terrycanshrinka lotsoget
thatoverwithusinga hotwash/dry.

SarifabricI gotfromShrutiDendekar.
I actuallyhaven’twashedit, thoughI’m
sureit wouldbetotallyfine.Thehand
is similartoa voile.It’sdreamy.Also,re-
ally,reallythickpolyesterfleeceona t-
useda nicethickpolybatting!Thatwas
myfirstquiltever,thoughI don’tre-
allythinkofit asa quilt.It’ssooothick!
I sewedthatwraparoundbindingby
MACHINE!I can’tbelievemymachine
atthetimehandledit. Also,whydid



We asked our quilty friends:

More ideas on page 60.
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