Personal Political General
1885 Founding of the Indian
National Congress
1886 Motilal Nehru moves
to Allahabad
1889 November 14: birth of
Jawaharlal in Allahabad
1899 Motilal’s first trip to Boer War
Excommunication by
his caste members for
refusing to perform
purification ceremony
on his return
1901–4 Jawaharlal privately
educated by tutor
Ferdinand Brooks
1905–7 Jawaharlal’s schooling 1905–11: Swadeshi 1905: Russo-Japanese
at Harrow movement in Bengal. War; vicarious victory
1906: founding of the for Indian nationalists
Muslim League
1907–10 Jawaharlal at Trinity Congress split at Surat.
College, Cambridge, ‘Extremists’ expelled.
studying for the Indian Councils Act:
Natural Sciences ‘Morley–Minto reforms’.
Tripos Separate electorates for
Graduates with Lower Muslims introduced
1910–12 Jawaharlal reads All-India Hindu Sabha
Law at the Inner founded. Later becomes
Temple the Hindu Mahasabha
1911 Annulment of the Partition