Personal Political General
Oppressed Peoples in
November 1927:
Motilal and Jawaharlal
visit the Soviet Union.
End 1927: return to
1928 Jawaharlal disagrees Simon Commission;
with his father’s Report (Motilal) Nehru Report
which accepts
dominion status
instead of complete
1929 Jawaharlal elected December 31, Purna Labour government
Congress president for Swaraj resolution: elected in Britain.
the first time. Also ‘Complete Wall Street Crash.
elected president of Independence’ Beginning of the Great
the All-India trade demanded by Congress Depression
Union Congress
1930 April 14, 1930 to March 12–April 6: Salt
October 11, 1930, and March. Inaugurates
October 19, 1930 to Civil Disobedience
January 1931: Jawaharlal Movement 1930–1.
in jail First Round Table
Conference in London on
new constitution for India,
boycotted by Congress
1931 February 6: death of March 5: Gandhi calls Ramsay MacDonald’s
Motilal Nehru. off civil disobedience; Labour government
December 26, 1931– Gandhi–Irwin Pact. collapses in Britain.
August 30, 1933 March: Karachi Replaced by ‘National’
Jawaharlal in jail Congress; Congress’s government;
first ‘socialist’ MacDonald remains
resolutions. prime minister
Winter 1931–2: Second
Round Table Conference.
Gandhi attends as the
sole Congress