Nehru - Benjamin Zachariah

(Axel Boer) #1
South-East Asian Treaty Organisation
(SEATO) 211, 216, 218, 219
Soviet Union seeUnion of Soviet
Socialist Republics (USSR)
Spanish Civil War 94, 155
Stalin, Josef: Stalinism 60, 104, 155,
193, 203
States, reorganisation of 207
steel 56, 221
sterling area 162–3
sterling balances 161–3, 224
strikes 47, 56, 67, 128, 189
Suez Crisis 222, 247
Suhrawardy, H.S. 130, 136
swadeshi19–22, 29, 31, 38, 47, 63,
swaraj41, 42, 44, 49–50, 59, 61
Swaraj Party 52–3
Swatantra Party 196, 234, 242, 244,
245, 248, 249, 250, 253, 255

Tagore, Rabindranath 38, 41, 57, 75,
110, 159
Taiwan 201, 217, 238
taluqdars11, 12, 48, 49, 153
Tandon, Purshotamdas (P.D.) 184–6,
tariffs 56, 68, 161
Tatas 132, 190, 205, 228
TebhagaMovement 129, 154
technocrats, technocracy 81, 140, 190,
192, 228
technology 20, 81, 96, 104, 140, 152,
192, 194, 263
Telengana 154, 182, 186, 207
terrorism, terrorists 29, 30, 31, 41,
52, 63, 69–70, 78
textiles 56, 68, 150, 161, 226, 262
Thailand (Siam) 159, 218
Thakurdas, Sir Purshotamdas 68
Theosophy, Theosophical Society
13–15, 32, 44, 103
Thivy, Dr John 159–60
Tibet 203–4, 236, 238–40, 241, 249
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar 20, 30–2, 44

Tito, Josip Broz 220
tribes, tribals 149, 177–8, 209–12,
237–9, 266
Trotsky, Leon 70, 262
Truman, Harry S. 198, 201, 202
trusteeship: colonial 8; Gandhian 3,
82, 189
Turkey 30, 40, 209, 216

U Nu 210
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(USSR): and ‘bi-aligned’ India
251; and CPI 123, 182, 221; and
Cuban Missile Crisis 247; and
Hungary 222–3; Indian
diplomatic relations with 157–8;
and Korean War 201–2; Nehru’s
visit to 60–1, 155; and
non-alignment 198–201, 204,
217, 219–20; nuclear testing 236;
and post-war world 164, 167,
198–202; and Second World War
107, 108, 110, 112, 117; Soviet
nationalities policy and India 76,
124–5; Soviet planning and India
80, 96, 104, 192, 226; supports
India in border dispute 244, 246;
trade and technical links with
India 220–1; wheat for India 186
Unionist Party 88
United Nations 113, 217, 222, 223,
264 see alsoGeneral Assembly,
Security Council
United Provinces 32, 40, 48, 50, 74,
88, 89, 90, 92, 94, 97, 175
United States of America (USA): and
Asian pacts and allies 216, 218;
and ‘bi-aligned’ India 251;
blackmail over food aid to India
186, 201–2; and CIA and CCF
operations in India 205–6, 235–6;
Cold War concerns of 164, 166–7,
200; and ‘Green Revolution’ 263;
imperialism of 59, 114, 167; and
India in the Cold War 198–202;


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