International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Treaty of Peace, Union, Amity, and Mutual Defense among France, Great Britain, and Spain

Babtift D’Orendayn Marquis de la Paz, his counfellor of ftate
and firft fecretary of ftate and of the difpatches ; and to M.
Jofeph Patino, commander of Alcuefca in the order of St. James,
governor of the council of the Treafury, and of the tribunals
depending thereon, fuperintendant-general of the general rev-
enues, and his fecretary of ftate and of the difpatches for affairs
of the Marine, the Indies, and the treafury : the above-men-
tioned minifters have agreed between them on the following
I. There fhall be from this time and for ever a folid peace, a
ftrict union, and a fincere and conftant friendfhip between the
moft ferene King of Great Britain, the moft ferene moft Chrift-
ian King, and the moft ferene King of Spain, their heirs and fuc-
cefors, as alfo between their kingdoms and fubjects, for the
mutual affiftance and defence of their dominions and interefts ;
there fhall likewife be an oblivion of all that is paft ; and all the
former treaties and conventions of peace, of friendfhip, and of
commerce, concluded between the contracting powers refpec-
tively, fhall be, as they hereby are, effectually renewed and con-
firmed, in all thofe points which are not derogated from by the
prefent treaty, in as full and ample a manner, as if the faid
treaties were here inferted word for word, their faid Majefties
promifing not to do any thing, nor fuffer any thing to be done,
that may be contrary thereto directly or indirectly.
II. In confequence of which treaties, and in order to eftablifh
firmly this union and correfpondence, their Britannick, moll
Chriftian, and Catholic Majeftis, promife and engage by the
prefent defenfive treaty of alliance, to guarantee reciprocally
their kingdoms, ftates, and dominions under their obedience, in
what parts of the world foever fituate, as alfo the rights and
privileges of their commerce, the whole according to the
treaties; fo that the faid powers, or any one of them, being
attacked or molefted by any power and under any pretext what-
ever, they promife and oblige themltlves reciprocally to employ
their offices, as loon as they fhall be thereto required, for obtain-
ing fatisfaction to the party injured, and for hindering the con-
tinuance of hoftilities ; and if it happen that the faid offices be
not fufficient for procuring fatisfaction without delay, thtir laid
Majefties promife to furnifh the following fuccours, jointly, or
feparately, that is to fay, his Britannick Majelly eight thoufand
foot, and four thoufand horfe; his moft Chriftian Majelly eight
thoufand foot and four thoufand horfe; and his Catholic
Majefty eight thoufand foot and four thoufand horfe : If the
party attacked, inftead of troops, fhould demand fhips of war or
tranfports, or even fubfidies in money, he may be free to chufe,
and the other parties fhall furnifh the faid fhips or money, in
proportion to the expence of troops ; and for taking away all
doubt touching the valuation of the fuccours, their abovefaid
Majefties agree, that a thoufand foot fhall be computed at ten
thoufand florins Dutch money, and a thoufand horfe at thirty
thoufand florins Dutch money, by the month ; and the fame
proportion fhall be obferverd with refpect to the fhips that
ought to be furnifhed ; their faid Majefties promifing to con-
tinue and keep up the faid fuccours as long as the trouble fhall

fubfift; and in cafe it fhould be found neccflary, their faid
Majefties fhall mutually fuccour each other with all iheir forces,
and fhall even declare war againft the aggreffor.
III. The minifters of his Britannick Majefty and of his moft
Chriftian Majefty, having alledged that in the treaties concluded
at Vienna between the Emperor and the King of Spain, in the
year one thoufand feven hundred twenty five, there were divers
claufes that infringed the articles of the feveral treaties of com-
merce, or of the treaties of peace in which commerce may be
concerned, antecedent to the year one thoufand feven hundred
twenty five, his Catholick Majefty has declared, as he declares by
the prefent article, That he never meant to grant, nor will fnffer
to fubfift by virtue of the faid treaties of Vienna, any privilege
contrary to the treaties here-above confirmed.
IV. It have been agreed by the preliminary articles, that the
commerce of the Englifh and French nations, as well in Europe
as in the Indies, fhould be re-eftablifhed on the foot or the
treaties and conventions antecedent to the year one thoufand
feven hundred twent-five, and particularly that the commerce
of the Englifh nation in America fhould be exercifed as hereto-
fore ; it is agreed by the prefent article, that all neceffary orders
fhall be difpatched on both fides without any delay, if they have
not been fent already, as well for the execution of the faid
treaties of commerce, as for fupplying what may be wanting for
the entire re-eftablifhment of commerce on the foot of the faid
treaties and conventions.
V. Although it was ftipulated by the preliminaries that all
hoftilities fhould ceafe on both fides, and that if any trouble or
hoftilities fhould happen between the fubjects of the contract-
ing parties, either in Europe, or in the Indies, the contracting
powers fhould concur for the reparation of damages fuftained
by their refpective fubjects ; and notwithftanding this it is
alledged, that on the part of the fubjects of his Catholic
Majefty acts of diftubance and hoftilities have been continued ;
it is agreed by this prefent article, that as to what relates to
Europe, his Catholic Majefty fhall forthwith caufe reparation
to be made for the damages which have been fuffered there
fince the time prefcribed by the preliminaries for the ceflation
of hoftilities: and as to what relates to America, he will likewife
forthwith caufe reparation to be made for the damages which
fhall have been fuffered there fince the arrival of his orders at
Carthagena on the day of June one thoufand feven hundred
twent-eight. And his faid Catholic Majefty fhall publifh the
moft rigorous prohibitions for preventing the like violances on
the part of his fubjects; their Britannick and moft Chriftian
Majetties promifing on their part, if there be like cafes, to caufe
reparation to he made for what fhall have been fo done, and to
give like orders for the prefervation of the peace, tranquility,
and good intelligence.
VI. Commiffaries fhall be nominated, with fufficient powers,
on the part of their Britannick and Catholic Majefties who fhall
affemble at the court of Spain within the fpace of four months
after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, or
fooner if it can be done, to examine and decide what concerns


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