International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Treaty of Peace and Alliance among the Holy Roman Emperor, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Spain

(L. S.) Brancas.

(L. S.) El. Marq. de la Paz.
(L. S.) D. Jofeph Patino.

Separate Articles.

I. ALTHOUGH, conformably to the preliminary articles, it is
faid in the fourth article of the treaty figned this day, that the
commerce of the Englifh nation in America fhould be re-
eftablifhed on the foot of the treaties and conventions anteoe-
dent to the year one thoufand feven hundred twenty-five ; how-
ever, for the greater exactnefs, it is further declared by the
prefent article between their Britannick and Catholic Majefties,
which fhall have the fame force, and be under the fame guar-
anty as the treaty figned this day, that under that general
denomination are comprehended the treaties of peace and of
commerce, concluded at Utrecht the thirteenth of July and
ninth of December, in the year one thoufand feven hundred
thirteen, in which are comprifed the treaty of one thoufand fix
hundred fixty-feven; made at Madrid, and the cedulas therein
mentioned ; the latter treaty made at Madrid the fourteenth of
December, one thoufand feven hundred fifteen ; as alfo the par-
ticular contract, commonly called the Affiento, for bringing
negro flaves into the Spanifh Indies, which was made the
twenty-fixth day of March, in the faid year one thoufand feven
hundred thirteen, in confequence of the twelfth article of the
treaty of Utrecht ; and likewife the treaty of declaration, touch-
ing that of the Affiento, made the twenty-fixth of May, one tho-
ufand feven hundred fixteen : all which treaties mentioned in
this article, with their declarations, fhall from this day (even
during the examination by the commiffaries) be and remain in
their force, virtue and full vigour ; for the obfervation of which
his Catholic Majefty fhall caufe to be difpatched forthwith, if
they have not been difpatched, the neceffary orders and cedulas
to his vice-roys, governors, and other minifters, to whom it fhall
appertain, as well in Europe as in the Indies, to the end that
without any delay or interpretation they may caufe them to be
obferved and fulfilled.
In like manner his Britannick Majefty promifes and engages
to publifh the neceffary orders, if any be wanting, for re-
eftablifhing the commerce of the fubjects of Spain in all the
countries under his dominion, on the footing fpecfied by the
faid treaties, and for caufing them to be exactly obferved and
II. Confequently, all fhips, merchandife and effects, which
fhall not have been taken or feized on account of unlawful com-
merce, and which fhall now be proved by authentic proofs and
documents, to have been detained, feized, or confifcated in the
ports of Spain, either in Europe or in the Indies, and namely the
fhip Prince Frederic and her cargo, if they have not been
reftored already, fhall be immediately reftored, in the fame kind

as to thofe things which fhall be found ftill remaining in that
condition; or in default thereof, the juft and true value of them,
according to their valuation, which, if it was not made at the
time, fhall be regulated by the authentic informations which the
proprietors fhall exhibit to the magiftrates of the places and
town which the feizures were made ; his Britannick Majefty
promifing the like on his part, as to all feizures, confifcations, or
detentions, which may have been made contrary to the tenor of
the faid treaties : their faid Britannick and Catholic Majefties
agreeing, that with refpect to the like feizures, confifcations, or
detenfions on either fide, the validity of which may not yet have
been fufficiently made out, the difcuffion and decifion of them
fhall be referred to the examination of the commiffaries, to do
therein according to right upon the foot of the treaties here
The prefent feperate articles fhall have the fame force as if
they were inferted word for word in the treaty, concluded and
figned this day. They fhall be ratified in the fame manner, and
the ratifications of them fhall be exchanged at the fame time as
thofe of the faid treaty.
In witnefs whereof we the underwritten minifters plenipo-
tentiaries of his Britannick Majefty, of his moft Chriftian
Majefty, and of his Catholic Majefty, by virtue of our full pow-
ers, have figned the prefent feparate articles, and caufed the feals
of our arms to be put thereto. Done at Seville the ninth day of
November, one thoufand feven, hundred twenty-nine.
(L. S.) W. Stanhope.
(L. S.) B. Keene.

(L. S.) Brancas.

(L. S.) El Marq de la Paz.
(L. S.) D. Jofeph Patino.

2.1073 Treaty of Peace and Alliance among the

Holy Roman Emperor, Great Britain, the

Netherlands, and Spain

Alliance Members:Holy Roman Emperor, Great Britain, the Nether-
lands, and Spain
Signed On:March 16, 1731, in the city of Vienna
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)
Source:Consolidated Treaty Series,vol. 33, p. 313.

The Holy Roman Empire, the Netherlands, and Great Britain signed
this alliance in March of 1731, signifying the dissolution of the Anglo-
French alliance. The alliance formed after the death of Antonio Far-
nese and, with him, the end of the Farnese family rule in the duchy of
Parma. Austrian troops responded to Farnese’s death by occupying
Parma for a short time, and to avoid war the British sought
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